Guides on Team Management tools such as reviewing your employees' information, processing changes and terminations.

Categories (1)

Performance Evaluations

Guides on conducting performance evaluations for all types of employees.

Articles (10)

Add Absence for Employee - Manager

Steps as a supervisor to enter an absence on behalf of your employee when the employee is unable to enter their own absence.

Change Employee Working Hours - Manager

Changing working hours for employees within your line of supervision. Updating working hours adjusts the employee's FTE (Full Time Equivalency).

Employee Manager Change - Manager

Changing line managers (supervisors) for employee(s) within your area of supervision.

Employee Salary Change - Manager

The basic steps needed to make permanent salary changes for employees within your area of supervision. Salary is an individual’s base pay (not any type of additional or supplemental pay). The primary reasons for you to use the manage salary feature is to initiate a salary increase for a non-benefited employee.

Employee Termination - Manager

Completing a termination by ending an assignment for an employee within your line of supervision.

Individual Compensation - Manager

If multiple funding sources are being used a separate individual compensation transaction must be entered for each funding source. For example, if supplemental pay is being used from two different funding sources two individual compensation transactions must be submitted.

Payroll Time Entries Approvals - Manager

Approval process for time card approvals. How to know which time entry to approve for an employee with multiple assignments.

Reports and Analytics - Manager

Locating Human Resources dashboards and reports available to Decentralized Human Resources Representatives (DHR) and Supervisors (Line Managers) within Reports and Analytics.

Worklist Notifications Processes for HCM Transactions

How to take Approval Process action on a transaction, including Approve, Reject, Reassign, Request Information, and Adhoc Route.

Employee Compensation Details - Manager

The steps in this guide enable managers to review team compensation summaries and individual salary details in WyoCloud HCM.