This guide will cover:
- Approval process for time card approvals.
- How to know which time entry to approve for an employee with multiple assignments.
Multiple assignments: Many employees, particularly hourly, non-benefited, have multiple assignments on campus. Some have multiple assignments within the same department and others have multiples within more than one department. It is recommended that supervisors note the employee’s assignment number and rate of pay to help in determining which time entry they need to approve.

This guide details the steps for completing this process using Supervisor/Manager WyoCloud access.

Time Card approvals will come to the employee’s direct supervisor via a process ran by Payroll, the Monday-Wednesday after each bi-weekly pay period ends (except when adjusted for holiday closures). This process submits all time the employee has saved at the time the process is ran. All Hourly Non-Benefited hours must be approved by the supervisor by 5 pm on Wednesday to be paid on that payroll. See the Payroll website for full payroll deadline calendar.
Note: If the employee clicks Submit on their time card instead of Save and Close, approval will come to the supervisor prior to Payroll running the process. The supervisor can choose to either approve or wait to approve once all time is entered. However, note if additional time is entered, another approval is required.
Step One
- Upon signing in, this home page will display. Click on the bell icon in the top right corner.

- Once the bell icon is selected, a Notifications tab will display with the most recent Notifications. It is recommended that you select Show All to view all items pending your action.

- The Notifications page will display with a full list of worklist items. Click on the title of a time card notification to open full details.
- All time card approvals will be titled “Approval of Payroll Entries for XX Name from XX Date Range.”

- The approval details will display in a pop up window (ensure pop ups are enabled on your web browser).

Step Two
Review your employee’s time entries.
- The employee’s time submitted for approval opens in a new pop-up with the following information:
- Details:
- Assignee: your name
- From: Employee whose time you are approving
- Assigned Date: date and time submitted
- Task Number: system assigned approval number
- Payroll Time Entries for Approval
- Person Information: If the employee has multiple assignments, this will always be the primary assignment, no matter if it is the assignment you supervise.
- Name
- Assignment Number
- Position
- Location
- Person Number
- Job
- Department
- Manager
- Time Card Details
- Time Card Period
- Overtime Periods: Indicates that potential overtime is calculated on a weekly basis.
- Status: this will display submitted until you take action on the timecard.
- Resubmission Status
- Time Card Comments / Resubmission Reason: Optional comments entered by the employee.
- Reported Time: Time per day as reported by the employee. As you review, confirm hours and time reporting code is correct (normal working hours for salaried non-exempt employees should be reported as Regular Hours. For hourly non-benefited (part time) emplolyees it will be Hourly Hours).
- If the employee has multiple assignments, you will see hours for all assginments, no matter if you are the supervisor of all assignments or not. Each assignment is displayed on its own line. Use the Assginment Number and Department columns to determine which assignment(s) are yours. If you need assistance determining which assignment(s) you supervise, contact the Decentralized Human Resources Representative (DHR) for your area.
- See Appendix: Viewing Workflow for instructions on how to see that the approval is also sent to supervisors of other assignments so that each supervisor can approve for that assignment.
- Calculated Time: Hours as reported plus additional lines to display calculations run on the time. For example, this is where earned compensatory time is displayed for salaried non-exempt employees when they work beyond 40 hours in a week.
Below is an example of what a time approval notice looks like for an hourly non-benefited employee who has worked hours on three different assignments.

Step Three
Approve employee’s time.

If you find error’s with the employee’s time, it is recommended to us the Actions > Request More Information functionality. See the general WyoCloud Approvals Process Quick Reference Guide for more details on how to take this action.
If the employee enters hours under the incorrect assignment, please reject the time entry so the employee can resubmit the time under the correct assignment.
- Return to the top of the approvals window and click Approve to approve the transaction.

You have now completed the steps of Approving Time Cards.
Appendix: Viewing Workflow
Review workflow approvals for time card. This step is particularly useful if you would like to ensure a time card is being routed to multiple supervisors when the employee has multiple assignments.
- Below the time entries is a section titled History. Click the carrot arrow nex to History to expand the section.

- The approval flow may take several moments to load. After loaded, you can see whom the time card approval is routing to for approval.
- If the employee has multiple assignments with different supervisors, you can see that each supervisor is listed as receiving an approval notice simultaneously.