Note: Depending on the Android operating system you are using your screen may look a little different, however the steps will be the same. Also, the steps are the same for a Chromebook.
Connecting to the UWyo Wireless Network
Select the Settings icon.
Previous versions of Android
Android 11
On the Settings screen select the Wi-Fi icon.
Previous versions of Android
Android 11
On the Wi-Fi screen select UWyo from the list of available networks.
Previous versions of Android
Android 11
On the UWyo screen enter the information as follows:
EAP method: PEAP
Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPV2
CA Certificate: Use System Certificates
Online Certificate Status: Do Not Validate
Identity (if requested): your UWYO username
Password (if requested): your UWYO password
Note: You will want to leave the anonymous identity blank
Previous versions of Android
Android 11
Select Connect.
Note: If after all this and you are still having issues connecting, come into the Service Center where they can give you hands on assistance. The Service Center is located in the lobby of the ITC building. The ITC is on the southeast corner of Sorority Row, between Buchanan Performing Arts and Hill Hall. It is open Monday-Friday during UW business hours.