Add Absence for Employee - Manager

This guide will cover:

  • Entering an absence on behalf of your employee.
  • Most frequently absences should be entered by the employee, however this process is available for circumstances in which the employee is unable to enter the absences.

This guide details the steps for completing this process using Supervisor/Manager WyoCloud access.   Note: If you do not see the features described in this guide, your assigned WyoCloud training is likely incomplete.  This training is available within HCM under My Profile > Learning > Required Learning.

Step One

  • Upon logging into WyoCloud from WyoWeb, navigate to My Profile using the Navigator bar in the upper left corner.

  • First click on My Team to expand, then select My Team.

  • The My Team page will display.


Step Two

Navigate to the Maintain Absence Records page.

  • Click on the three dots to the right of the employee you’d like to enter absence for.

  • In the drop-down, select Absence Balance.

  • The Absence Balance page for the selected employee will appear. 
  • Review available balances for the employee to ensure adequate leave is available. 
    • If adequate leave is not available, multiple leave types can be used.  Each leave type is entered as a separate request.
    • If adequate leave is still not available, Leave Without Pay may be an option.  See the Human Resources Leave Policy website for more details.
  • You can also click on the specific leave type name to view a detailed breakdown of the balance.  See steps two and three of the Reviewing Absence Balances Quick Reference Guide for more information on how to review absence balance details.


Step Three

Create an absence request for the employee.

  • Click Actions to expand the drop-down, then click Add Absence.

  • Select the appropriate absence type from the Type drop-down.  In this example we are selecting vacation. 

  • After the leave type is selected, additional options will populate.  Below Type, an option to select Business Title will appear.  If the employee only has one assignment, no action is needed in this field.  If the employee has multiple assignments, you must select their benefited assignment from the drop-down.

  • Enter the Start Date for the absence.  You can either use the calendar icon to select a date or type the date in using MM/DD/YYYY format.
    • The End Date field will default to be the same as the Start Date.  If the absence will be for multiple working days, update the End Date to be the final date you will be gone.
  • By default, the duration will calculate to 8 hours, to request a different number of hours, adjust the number in the Hours field.

  • Comments and/or attachments can be added below.  These will be included in approval details.

  • After all details are completed, click Submit at the top of the page.

Although you as the supervisor submitted the absence, you will also need to approve the leave request when it appears in your worklist.


You have completed the steps to Entering an Absence on Behalf of Your Employee.


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