Employee Termination - Manager

This guide will cover:

  • Completing a termination by ending an assignment for an employee within your area of responsibility.

This guide details the steps for completing this process using Supervisor/Manager WyoCloud access.


If the employee needing termination is a supervisor, you must change their direct reports to another individual to ensure proper processing of approvals prior to completing termination. See Changing Employee’s Manager Quick Reference Guide.


All terminations of Hourly Non-Benefited Employees must have a termination date of the final date of the pay period. See the Payroll Deadline calendar for these dates.


Salaried, non-benefited, employees (Temporary Lecturers, Graduate Assistants, Monthly Pooled Position) need to have a termination/end assignment effective date on the final day of their working month.


If a department is refilling a benefited position and needs to change the job title of the position while the employee in the position is on terminal leave, a terminal leave position number must be requested prior to submitting the termination.  This can be done using the Request a New Position process in HCM. This request must be submitted by a DHR.

Records Icon

Visit the Termination Training Recording for an instructor-led training.

Step One

  • Upon logging into WyoCloud from WyoWeb, navigate to My Team using the Navigator bar.

  • First click My Team to expand, then click My Team within the navigator.

 Step Two

  • From the My Team page, locate the employee you are processing the termination on.
  • Click the three dots to the right of the employee’s name.

  • In the drop down, select Termination (note, you may need to scroll within the drop down).

Step Three


If the employee has multiple assignments, you will see an alert at the top of step 1 of the Terminate Work Relationships screen. Click Show Assignment Details to see additional assignments. Only proceed through the termination process IF all assignments report to you AND it is desired to end all assignments/employment with UW.

Work with the Decentralized Human Resources Representative (DHR) in your area to process terminations on employees when the above two items are not true.

  • In Step One complete the following:
    • Notification Date: date notice of termination was given.
    • Termination Take Effect: last working day of the employee.
    • Way to terminate the employee: select most appropriate reason (i.e.: resignation) from drop down.
    • Reason: select the most appropriate reason from drop-down.
  • Click Continue.

If the employee you are terminating has direct reports, you MUST reassign direct reports BEFORE completing the termination.

In Step two:

  • Under Rehire Recommendation, use the drop down to indicate if you would recommend the employee for rehire. Please consult with Human Resources if you feel No should be selected.
    • Much like providing an employment referral, the Recommendation for Rehire helps the HR department in following up on information for rehiring employees.  Typically, if someone is discharged for cause or had poor work performance, you will want to provide this feedback to future hiring managers. Clicking No does not prevent the person from being rehired in the future but allows the recruiter to gather importing decision making information on the candidate.  The system will ask for your name, so the recruiter knows who to contact.
  • Confirm employee’s Last Working Day. For hourly non-benefited employees this MUST be the final day of the last pay period worked.
  • Click Continue.

  • In step three note any Comments and/or Attachments.

Please indicate if the employee is selecting terminal leave or lump sum in the comments box. For benefited employees, please attach the required Termination Leave Option form.

  • Return to the top of the page and click Submit.

You have completed the steps for employee termination.

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