Software Support & Licensing

Information about about software offered at UW. In addition, information about antivirus

Categories (10)


The University of Wyoming is a program member of the Adobe Open Options Contractual Licensing Program (CLP). As a member, UW is able to secure volume pricing on various Adobe products.

This is only available to UW departments. Students can access Adobe products through the Student Labs.

If you have not purchased an Adobe software license from this link you will not have access to install the software.


Webroot is the antivirus software provided free of charge to all University of Wyoming computers and is also installed on all UWSTUDENT lab computers.


Through the Microsoft Campus Agreement, the University of Wyoming (UW) provides the latest versions of Microsoft Office (for both Windows and Macintosh operating systems) for UW-owned computers. Supported versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system are also provided through this agreement. These specific Microsoft software installations are provided free of charge to departments.

Statistical Software

Statistical software available to the UW community, some does have a fee associated.

Utilities and Other Software

Other software including Mathmatica, SynBackSE, ArcGIS, ERDAS, browser issues, and others.


Help documents about using Linux.


Help Articles regarding the Zoom application.

Articles (23)

Administrative Rights on UW Owned Computers

How administrative rights are assigned on UW owned computers.

Disabling Microsoft Teams on Start-up (works for other applications as well)

This article walks you through the steps to disable Microsoft Teams (and other Startup Apps) on your computer's start-up. When you restart the computer, the applications will no longer start automatically that were toggled off. The application will still be available through the Start Menu and Shortcuts.

Find The Name Of Your Computer (Windows & Mac)

This article will guide you through finding the name of your computer. It features Windows 7, 8, 10 and Mac OS.

Installing GPS Pathfinder Office 5.30 (Network license)

Install instructions for Trimble license

Mapping a Drive for Mac

Information on mapping a drive on a Mac

Microsoft Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS)

Microsoft LAPS is a password management solution provided by Microsoft that allows local Administrator passwords for domain joined computers to be securely stored and managed by select groups of individuals.

Paying for software using a pcard

Instructions on how to submit payment for software.

Securely Erase All Data From Internal Hard Drives

This document is intended to assist in the secure removal of data from internal hard.

Subscription versus License

Information on the difference between subscriptions and licenses

UWyo Game Day App