This article goes over how to install the Installroot program, and use it to properly install army certificates.
Install and configure the Certificate Installation Program (Installroot 5.2). Please note that certificate installation is profile specific and must be performed on every computer for each profile in which army websites will be accessed.
- Log in into the computer as the user account from which the websites will be launched
- Download the Installroot 5.2 program. This should be available on \\warehouse\css\army installs\ or online at
- Once downloaded, right click the executable and choose run as administrator to install it.
- Once installed, it should automatically run. If not, go into your start menu->DoD-PKE->Installroot5.2 and run the program.
- Choose the option in the top menu to Restart as Administrator. This will relaunch the program with administrator permissions.
- Once relaunched, choose the option for Online Updates.
- After online updates run, ensure the client has inserted their CAC card click the Install Certificates button.
- Once run, certificates should be installed for user.