To access the Costing application in the My Workforce module, the WyoCloud HCM Payroll Costing Access Training is required. If you are a Cost Center Approver or DHR, please contact to have this training assigned.

Articles (8)

Costing Approval - Benefited Position

The steps in this guide apply when payroll costing corrections and/or updates for a Benefited Position require approval. This guide includes two procedural options: A) Costing Info Email and B) Costing Application Navigation.

Costing Approval - Graduate Assistant (GA)

The steps in this guide apply when payroll costing corrections and/or updates, including stipend, tuition and fees, health insurance, and other costing detail types, for an existing Graduate Assistant (GA) require approval. This guide includes two procedural options: A) Costing Info Email and B) Costing Application Navigation.

Costing Correction - Benefited Position

The steps in this guide apply when payroll costing for a Benefited Position needs to be corrected and has already been disbursed to the employee.

Costing Correction - Graduate Assistant (GA)

The steps in this guide apply when payroll costing expenditures, including stipend, tuition and fees, health insurance, and other costing detail types, for an existing Graduate Assistant (GA) need to be corrected and have already been disbursed to the employee.

Costing Update - Benefited Position

The steps in this guide apply when current and/or future payroll costing for a Benefited Position needs to be updated.

Costing Update - Graduate Assistant (GA)

The steps in this guide apply when the current and/or future payroll costing, including stipend, tuition and fees, health insurance, and other costing detail types, for an existing Graduate Assistant (GA) needs to be updated.

Rejected Transaction - Benefited Position

The steps in this guide apply when addressing a rejected payroll costing transaction for a Benefited Position.

Rejected Transaction - Graduate Assistant (GA)

The steps in this guide apply when addressing a rejected payroll costing transaction for an existing Graduate Assistant (GA).