DNS (domain name service) Web name hosting allows you to request a Web site on the UW central Web servers that does not follow the UW standard Web site naming convention (www.uwyo.edu/sitename). Through the DNS Web name hosting service, the UW Web servers are setup to allow requests to come in for a third level domain name or a domain name outside of the UW domain name scheme entirely and route them to the correct location for processing within the UW network.

Articles (5)

Definitions & Clarifications

Information on what third level domain and domain name outside of the UW domain name scheme are and do

Fees involved with setting up a DNS Web hosted site at UW

Information on the fees involved with setting up a DNS Web hosted site at UW

How to get a website name that is outside of the UW domain name scheme

Information on how to get a website name that is outside of the UW domain name scheme

Third level domain name set up

Information on how to set up a third level domain name

Why would you want or need to take advantage of the UW DNS web name hosting service

Information on why would you want or need to take advantage of the UW DNS web name hosting service