Create a Procurement Catalog Requisition

This guide will cover:



The Procurement Catalogs Requisition process utilizes pre-negotiated pricing through specifically contracted and approved suppliers within WyoCloud. As of July 2022, the Procurement Catalog suppliers are:



Office Depot PO Purchases

Office Supplies Purchases made via the Requisition/Purchase Order Process


Computers and peripherals


Construction, Industrial and Safety Products

Fisher Scientific

Lab Supplies

Fisher Chemical

Lab Chemical Supplies

Please note that all Procurement Catalog Orders of less than $50 are charged a minimal shipping fee to help with handling costs. 


Step One

Upon accessing WyoCloud from WyoWeb, this home page will display. Click on the Navigator button (three horizontal lines) in the upper left corner to access Procurement.

  • First click Procurement to expand (you may have to scroll down within the navigator), then click Purchase Requisitions.


Step Two

Purchase Requisitions Screen and Setting Requisition Preferences.

The Purchase Requisitions screen is displayed.


The first step to completing any requisition is to update your Requisition Preferences.  WyoCloud defaults the Deliver-to Location to the building you work in; you will need to change this to your department name to ensure proper delivery. For full details, see the Setting Preferences and Favorite Accounts for Requisitions QRG.


Step Three

Procurement Catalogs

There are three ways to enter the Procurement Catalogs:

  • Click on Shop by Category (1), then select the supplier's name.
  • Within the Top Categories section (2), select the supplier's name.
  • Or click on the arrow below any item that falls under Recent Purchases (3).

Upon clicking on the supplier name, the supplier site will open. Two examples are shown in this QRG: CDW-G and Office Depot PO Purchasing.

Although the catalog requisition process has been detailed for CDW-G and Office Depot PO Purchases, it is similar for Fastenal and Fisher Scientific/Chemical.  Please contact with questions.



  1. Click on the CDW-G link to access the catalog.

  1. You can use the Search Bar in the upper right to search the CDW-G catalog for items. 
  • Enter a key word, manufacturer, or other search criterion and then click on the Magnifying Glass icon.

  1. Once the item(s) are located and the quantity entered, click Add to Cart.  Continue this process for all items to be included in the cart/order.

       4. **Note: If a quote has been requested and provided by CDW-G, use the Search Quote/Order Bar in the upper left or View All Quotes link option in the lower left, instead to locate your quote. 

5. Once you locate your quote, click Add to Cart.  This will add the item(s) from the associated quote into the shopping cart

6. When you are finished adding items to the cart on the Shopping Cart icon and then click Checkout.


7. When you click on Checkout you will receive a message that the transfer process is taking place.  Please wait for the process to finish.

8. Once the transfer is complete the Edit Requisition screen will appear in WyoCloud and display the selected items. Here you can make changes to the requisition (Step Four) before clicking submit.


UW has negotiated discounted pricing for several models of HP desktop and laptop computers from CDW-G.  These business class computers meet the standards established by UW IT to function in UW’s campus computing environment.  To review and select these computers, see the Computing Standards options on CDW-G’s main page.  If one of these computers does not meet your needs, please contact UW’s CDW-G account manager that is also listed on their main page. If an approved business class computer is not purchased, IT cannot guarantee functionality with our campus computing environment and support may be limited.


Office Depot PO Purchasing:

Click on the Office Depot PO Purchasing icon/link to access the catalog.

If you would like to return to the Purchase Requisitions screen without adding anything to your Office Depot cart, click on the icon with your name/initial in the upper right corner  and then click Log out. The back arrow also works but may time out.

There are several ways to search the Office Depot Catalog for items.  First, we will outline using the key word search located at the top of the main Procurement Catalogs page.

  • Enter a key word or words then click the magnifying glass icon.

The search can be further refined using any of the options located on the left side of the page.  For example: manufacturer, supplier, price range, brand, category, etc.

Once the item(s) are located and the quantity entered, click the Add to Cart button.  Continue this process for all items to be included in the cart.

When you are finished adding items to the cart, click SHOPPING CART (multiple items) or CHECK OUT (one item) to review purchases prior to checking out.

Upon Clicking CHECK OUT, the Edit Requisition screen will display. Here you can make changes to the requisition (Step Four).


Step Four

Complete Requisition

After selecting Checkout from the Procurement Catalogs, you will be brought to the
Edit Requisitions page. The item(s) from your Procurement Catalogs cart will be contained within this requisition.

  • Note: If you had a requisition already open (not submitted), your Procurement Catalogs cart will be added to it. This is ONLY permissible if all items are from the same supplier.
  • Update the Requisition details
    • Description should include description of item(s) and purpose of requisition.
    • In the Delivery area:
      • The Requester field defaults to the person creating the requisition.
      • Confirm the Deliver-to Location reads as your department’s name (not the building name). If it does not, you must update your requisition preferences prior to submitting the requisition. See Setting Preferences and Favorite Accounts for Requisition QRG.


Capital Assets and Specific Information Needed

If purchasing a capital equipment asset with a value $5,000 or greater, the following Asset fields must be completed or the requisition will be denied. The University defines capital equipment assets as any individual item which has a per-unit acquisition or fabrication/construction cost of $5,000 or more, is movable (not permanently affixed to a building), and has a useful life of at least one (1) year(s). If you are not sure if it’s a capital asset, contact Asset Management 766-2302 or​​​​​

Requisition Fields for Assets:



Asset Owner 

An individual active in HCM that is not a student or retiree.  Owner can be any faculty or staff member who is primarily responsible for the asset (i.e., if someone is looking for the asset, who could they contact?). 

Asset Building 

This is a drop down/search selection to select the building name or address applicable to the asset location.  

Asset Room/Location 

Describe where the asset will be housed (i.e., if one were to look for the asset, where could they find it?). This could be a room number within a building (ex. Room 402), type of location (Hallway East End of Second Floor), or name of location (Sheep Shed). 






During the Catalog Requisition process for a capitalized asset, the Category Name and chartfield string defaults to a predetermined Category Name (e.g., Office.Supplies or Equipment. Lab) and the associated Natural Account versus the Asset Clearing Account chartfield string associated with the transaction.

Therefore, after the items have been received and the invoice paid, an Expenditure Correction form will need to be completed. The Expenditure Correction Form found on the Financial Affairs website>Forms>Accounting to move the transaction from the incorrect chartfield string to the correct Asset Clearing Account.

Please contact Asset Management 766-2302 or for further assistance. For a better understanding of capital assets in WyoCloud Financial Management, please review the Capital Asset Business Process Guide found under Policies and Reference Material>Asset Management on the Financial Affairs website.

Once all fields are up to date, click Check Funds in the upper right corner.


Follow submission guidelines below if you are ready to submit your catalog requisition.


Catalog Requisition & Multiple Lines

If there are multiple lines on the requisition, a user can edit multiple lines at one time by using the Edit Multiple Lines button after selecting and highlighting the lines to be changed.

Update the Billing section.

If paying by a grant, enter the Project Number and POET information. If this is for a subaward, please see the Create a Subaward Requisition for a Sponsored Program QRG to ensure all fields are properly completed.

  • Enter the Project Number

  • Task Number – Will always be 1

  • Expenditure Item Date – Date of documentation or signature

  • Expenditure Type – Pick the correlating expenditure type

    • After selecting the Expenditure Type, the Charge Account string should update the natural account code. To change the Charge Account, click on the icon with the magnify glass next to the account string field.

  • Expenditure Organization – Organization that owns the grant

  • All other fields should auto populate, but you should verify that the information is correct:

    • Contract Number – Should be the same as the project number

    • Funding Source

    • Budget Date – Date the requisition is created

    • Percentage

    • Funds Status – Not reserved (funds will be validated later)

    • Amount – Should equal the total of this line of the requisition

  • If paying through a non-grant account, confirm the defaulted chart string in the Charge Account field.

    • To change the Charge Account, click on the icon with the magnifying glass next to the account string field.

    • Budget date should default to the date of creating the requisition

    • Percentage will default to 100 for the line

    • Fund Status will remain “Not Reserved” until the funds are checked towards the end of this guide

    • The total amount of the requisition line should default in the Amount field

  • In this area, notes to the supplier can also be typed.

If the funding needs to be split between multiple funding sources, use the split funding wishbone icon to add additional funding lines.

A new line will populate under the original line.

Update all fields from the prior step for the new funding.The percentage and amount columns may need to be adjusted to reflect the appropriation of funding.

Once all fields are up to date, click Check Funds in the upper right corner. A pop-up notification will appear stating whether the funds passed or not.

If you are ready to submit the requisition, select Submit in the upper right corner.

  • Note: You may also select Save then Save and Close to save and submit at a later time.

The system will bring you back to the main requisitions page and a confirmation pop up window will display.  Within the confirmation window, you may note the requisition number and view a PDF summary of the requisition number if you choose.

The Requisition will now also show under your Recent Requisitions.



You have now completed the steps to Create a Procurement Catalogs Requisition.

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