This guide will cover:
The Non-Catalog Requisition process is used to order goods and services that are not available via the Create a Procurement Catalog Requisition process, or for the purchase of goods and services that are not allowable via any other payment methods. In addition to paying for goods and services, it is used to pay for independent contractors, honoraria (for non-UW employees), and stipends.
When initiating a Non-Catalog Requisition, purchasers must follow the:
The approval process of the Non-Catalog Requisition follows the WyoCloud approval workflow to the Cost Center Approver and/or PI, as well as additional departments and individuals based on the requisition’s content and dollar amount. See the Approvals for Finance Transactions DAPP found on the Financial Affairs Website>Policies and Reference Material>Procurement and Payment Services for additional information.
Navigate to the Procurement area of WyoCloud from WyoWeb

Purchase Requisitions Screen and Entering Requisition Lines

Prior to creating a non-catalog requisition, you should always first check to see if the item(s) are available in the Procurement Catalogs. See the Create a Procurement Catalog Requisition QRG for details.

The first step to completing any requisition is to update your Requisition Preferences. WyoCloud defaults the Deliver-to Location to the building you work in; you will need to change this to your department name to ensure proper delivery. For full details, see the Setting Preferences and Favorite Accounts for Requisitions QRG.

Note: If you have any Special Handling or instructions for the payment do not include or attach this information on the requisition. Payment processing is handled by Payment Services and all Special Handling or instructions for payment must be submitted with the invoice to See Step Eight for Special Handling instructions.

The populated fields will adjust based upon the Line Type selected. Example below shows the fields populated when selecting Goods from the Line Type dropdown.
An asterisk (*) denotes required fields that must be completed
Negotiated button must be selected on all requisition lines. If this is not selected on each line of the requisition, the requisition will be delayed in processing.

Item Description
Description of item and purpose of the requisition (Who, What, When, Where, Why).
Category Name
Procurement Categories may be typed into this field or use the grey search icon to use advanced search. For a full list of available Procurement Categories and descriptions, see Requisition Categories found on the Financial Affairs Website>Policies and Reference Material>Procurement and Payment Services.
Number of specific items you are purchasing.
UOM Name
Unit of Measure (most commonly each, EA).
Cost (if you select Each in UOM this is the price per each unit).
Do not change from USD. (If you need to pay in other denominations please contact the accounting office for instructions).
Check the box for ALL requisition lines (this will prompt a PO number to be assigned automatically after all approvals are completed).
Type the supplier name or use the grey search icon for advanced search.
Supplier Site
Drop down of available supplier sites.
Defaults to the person creating the requisition
Deliver-to Location
This location should default based on your preferences you’ve set up. It should be your department’s name (not building name).
In the Delivery area:
The Requester field defaults to the person creating the requisition
Confirm the Deliver-to Location reads as your department’s name (not building name). If it does not, you must update your requisition preferences prior to submitting the requisition. See Setting Preferences and Favorite Accounts for Requisitions QRG.

Capital Equipment Asset Purchases
If purchasing a capital equipment asset with a value $5,000 or greater, the Asset fields must be completed or the requisition will be denied. The University defines capital equipment assets as any individual item which has a per-unit acquisition or fabrication/construction cost of $5,000 or more, is movable (not permanently affixed to a building), and has a useful life of at least five (5) years. If you are not sure if it’s a capital asset, if you are unsure if it's a capital asset, contact Asset Management 766-2302 or
Requisition Fields for Assets
Asset Owner
An individual active in HCM that is not a student or retiree. Owner can be any faculty or staff member who is primarily responsible for the asset (i.e., if someone is looking for the asset, who could they contact?).
Asset Managing Organization
Asset Managing Organization that will be responsible for the asset after creation. If left blank, it will be assigned to the Organization number that is in the funding string.
Asset Building
This is a drop down/search selection to select the building name or address applicable to the asset location.
Asset Room/Location
Describe where the asset will be housed (i.e., if one were to look for the asset, where could they find it?). This could be a room number within a building (ex. Room 402), type of location (Hallway East End of Second Floor), or name of location (Sheep Shed).

Equipment Costs include installation, shipping, training and travel charges. These charges must be included in the equipment line cost, not on separate lines. For a better understanding of capital assets in WyoCloud Financial Management, please review the Capital Asset Business Process Guide found under Policies and Reference Material>Asset Management on the Financial Affairs website.

Note: You can delete a line by clicking on the in the delete column.

Note: All Requisitions must have some type of attachment sent to the supplier indicating either services or goods to be provided. Attachments must be a copy of the dually signed agreement, proposal or quote and the signed employee vs independent contractor worksheet. The agreement, proposal or quote is sent to the supplier while the employee vs independent contractor worksheet stays internal to UW.

- Use the Category drop down to identify if an attachment is to be sent to the supplier or kept internal to UW.

If you need something to go to the supplier, you need to attach it TWICE: Once as "Approver" and again as "To Supplier"

Adding Requisition Lines to the Cart

If you need to enter additional lines for the SAME supplier, follow the steps below. If you do not need to add any additional lines, skip to Step Five.

Completing the Requisition.

You can note the Requisition number assigned.
The description should still be the same as what was entered on the line.
The total amount of the requisition is reflected next to Requisition Amount.
All lines added to the card are shown under the Requisition Lines section.
If you need to edit any of the line detail information, follow the below steps, otherwise skip to Step Seven.

Information in the billing area can be updated by typing directly within the billing information, just as you did when initially entering. If you have multiple lines on the requisition, be sure to have the correct line highlighted above before updating the billing.

Submitting the Requisition for Approval


The system will bring you back to the main requisitions page and a confirmation pop-up window will display. Within the confirmation window, you may note the requisition number and view a PDF summary of the requisition number if you choose.
The Requisition will now also show under your Recent Requisitions.

After the requisition has been approved by all parties, the system will dispatch a PO (purchase order) to the supplier.
Once the goods or services are delivered from the supplier, the goods/services need to be received in the system to prompt payment to the supplier. The following steps must occur:
Review the invoice against the original PO encumbrance
Note: If the purchase order needs to be modified, a change order will need to be created prior to receiving the goods in the system and initiating payment to the supplier. To complete a change order, follow the Change Order Process for Purchase Orders QRG. Once the change order is completed, you can follow the following steps to receive the goods/services in the system. After the changed order has gone through the Workflow process and approved the receipt and payment process can start.
You will need to follow the Receive Goods & Services QRG to receive the goods/services in the system.
After you’ve received the goods/services, you must email the invoice and any Special Handling or instructions for payment to Payment Services. On the invoice you must notate the PO number so Payment Services knows what PO number to match the invoice to.
After Payment Services enters, reviews and matches the invoice to the corresponding PO, payment to the supplier will be initiated based on the supplier’s preference for payment (i.e., check, ACH, wire).
After the fully encumbered amount on the PO for all goods/services have been received and paid in the system, the PO will be closed.
You have now completed the steps to Create a Non-Catalog Requisition.