Accounts & Passwords

Services for your UW account, special accounts, administrative accounts, and computer domain accounts.

Not sure what type of account you need. Check this comparison:

Categories (2)

UW Special Accounts

Request the creation, modification, or deletion of a UWYO special account. Additional Email accounts, network access accounts. These accounts can be billable to the requesting department.

Administrative Accounts

Request access to Administrative Systems.

Services (9)


ARCC would like to request a new service account for email ( Because it will be a service account that a system will connect to, it needs to not have two factor auth.

I need to change the password for my UW account.

Information about how to reset your UW account password.

My UW account is locked

Methods for getting your UW account unlocked.

I would like to change my UW username.

This is how you can request that your UW username be changed.

I need a computer added to the UW domain.

This is the process for adding a computer to the UW domain.

I want to have an active directory organizational unit created or I wanted to be added to an existing OU.

Manage your department's resources and also participate in the university-wide Active Directory domain.

I want to opt out of the password reset tool

Request to be opted out of the Password Reset Tool, so you will no longer get reminders when logging in.