My Recently Visited Services

Help! I have an IT-related problem and need assistance.

This CMS Site Ownership form is where you can update your CMS Site Owner information.

Requests for individual or multiple cards produced in the WyoOne ID Office

Methods for getting your UW account unlocked.

Departmental laptops and tablets provided for their own students to check out for use during a class semester.

The Information Technology Service Center and ResNet are services that Information Technology provides to help students, faculty, and staff with personal computers and mobile devices.

A No-Cost Extension is an extension of the period of performance beyond the expiration end date of the award. Extensions are sometimes needed to allow the Principal Investigator to successfully complete the project. There is no additional funding provided by the Sponsor.
A No-Cost Extension may be requested by the PI when all three of the following conditions are met:
• The end of the project period is approaching.
• There is a programmatic need to continue the research.
• There are sufficient funds remaining to cover the extended remaining effort.

Request for Door access of non-employee, non-student Spouse or Dependents of a current student/employee resident of UW apartments and/or housing.

If you are having an issue with the InfoEd grant tracking application, report it here

This form is to request a change in people associated with a Sponsored Programs Project(s) and/or Award(s) in WyoCloud

This program provides free access to the full versions of Microsoft Office to enrolled students, faculty, and staff.

Create a Wyocast Request to recording classes, lectures, special speakers, and events.

How to add supplemental instructors

Information to request quotes on computers from Dell or HP.

IT Maintenance has certified technicians to provide Warranty Assistance and Parts/Labor services for institutionally-owned computers and laser printers.

Request any changes to the InfoEd Grant Tracking System here. This includes changes to reports or the backend programming of the system

UW uses an enterprise-wide website content management system (CMS) which makes it easy for site authors to create, maintain and manage websites using various template design assets. These web directories are managed with Omni CMS.

Before site authors can have access to a CMS website, site authors must complete required training. You can enroll in CMS Site Author training here:

You can request changes in CMS site editor access here.
If you need to make changes to the CMS site owners, please instead use the “Site Author Account Access Request” ticket:

Make requests for security changes to buildings and doors or building security reports.

Report issues with access in administrative system accounts, not listed above, to the Application Security Office (ASO).

Request to be opted out of the Password Reset Tool, so you will no longer get reminders when logging in.