Popular Services

- Faculty - Submit to request access to WyoCourses and WyoRecords.
- GA/TA - Submit to request coding to allow your faculty member to add you to their WyoCourses shell to assist with grading.
- Staff - Submit to request access to necessary student information to perform job duties such as processing departmental scholarships and creating/maintaining class schedules for your department.

It is recommended that for faculty, the departmental staff person who assigns individuals as teachers of classes be selected in the "Please select other users..." field, so that person can complete the process to assign the faculty person to classes.

Please only submit this form after successful completion of the mandatory FERPA training, to expedite processing.

Make requests for security changes to buildings and doors or building security reports.

Report issues with access in administrative system accounts, not listed above, to the Application Security Office (ASO).

Help! I have an IT-related problem and need assistance.

These accounts are $10.00 a month for a minimum of 6 months billed through your IT Telecomm bill. Request to create or changes to UW departmental accounts that include email and domain access.

Request any changes to a student information systems here. This includes the WyoRecords website, Banner Administrative pages, DegreeWorks, and others.

Request to add Internet of Things (IoT) device to the campus wireless network.

Information on how to connect to internal UW resources from off-campus.

The Information Technology Service Center and ResNet are services that Information Technology provides to help students, faculty, and staff with personal computers and mobile devices.

ROAMWyo (Research Organization, Administration, and Management ) UW’s eRA system for campus.

Request to be opted out of the Password Reset Tool, so you will no longer get reminders when logging in.

Software can be requested to be added to departmentally owned computers across campus.

Departmental laptops and tablets provided for their own students to check out for use during a class semester.

This program provides free access to the full versions of Microsoft Office to enrolled students, faculty, and staff.

Requests and Changes to Single Sign-On (Federation) for applications and services

IT Maintenance has certified technicians to provide Warranty Assistance and Parts/Labor services for institutionally-owned computers and laser printers.

Increase Shell storage

Request an account for UW Poll Everywhere.

Request changes to UW accounts that are only email accounts.

Request for Door access of non-employee, non-student Spouse or Dependents of a current student/employee resident of UW apartments and/or housing.