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Services or Offerings?
Requesting help with printing problems

An Exchange Resource is a special Exchange account that represents a resource (conference rooms, vehicles, AV equipment, etc.) instead of a person. Exchange Resources allow for shared scheduling of these items. Requesting and more information on Exchange Resource can be found here

Information on and request form for a professional alias

Requesting Respondus

Requesting SPSS software

Information to request quotes on computers from Dell or HP.

How to use the 3D printer

This is how you can request that your UW username be changed.

Requesting a test shell

Request a new Sharepoint Site

Requesting an increase in storage space in personal storage

Request a group

Users who access HRMS, PeopleSoft, or UW financial information remotely need two-factor authentication for that access to be secure. All customers who access employee self service have access use two factor authentication to get into self service.

How to request software for computer labs on campus