This guide details steps using WyoCloud HCM Payroll Costing Access.
If you do not see the steps detailed within this guide, your WyoCloud HCM Payroll Costing Access Training is most likely incomplete. If you are a Cost Center Approver or DHR, please contact to have this training assigned.
The steps in this guide apply when an existing Graduate Assistant (GA) assignment is extended for an additional semester(s) and/or academic year(s) within the same department, and the funding authority for the position is changing in whole or in part.
All payroll costing updates and/or payroll expenditure corrections, including stipend, tuition and fees, health insurance, and other costing detail types, for a Graduate Assistant (GA) must adhere to UW Payroll Deadlines. Please view the Payroll Services website for current UW Payroll Deadlines.
If the Graduate Assistant (GA) is changing position type (Graduate Teaching Assistant, Graduate Research Assistant, or Graduate Administrative Assistant), please complete the following steps and wait until the payroll costing transaction has been fully approved to submit a Position Change Request - DHR.
Please use the Employee Termination - DHR guide if the Graduate Assistant (GA) intends to change departments for longer than two semesters.
The New Costing Type Selection window will appear; select GA Costing.
The Cost Details steps must be completed for each costing detail type. For instance, if you need to Add GA Costing for Tuition and Fees, and Health Insurance, the steps will need to be completed separately for each Costing Detail Type.
Please note that all segments of the payroll costing (GL String or Project/Grant) information are required, including Program and Activity. If left incomplete, the system will error.
In the interim, please do not change any information for the Graduate Assistant (GA) in WyoCloud HCM until the payroll costing transaction is fully approved. If any information is changed, including position and/or manager, the system will error, and the transaction will become stuck.
After approvals, Human Resources will complete a Salary Change transaction in WyoCloud HCM to ensure the employee’s salary continues for the Effective Start and End Date period indicated.
This completes the steps to extend an existing Graduate Assistant (GA) assignment for an additional semester(s) and/or academic year(s) within the same department, and the funding authority for the position is changing in whole or in part.
If you have any questions concerning the steps detailed in this guide, please contact the School of Graduate Education at