Graduate Assistant (GA) New Hires

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The information in this guide outlines the direct hire process for a new Graduate Assistant (GA) in the Oracle Recruiting Center (ORC).

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Please see the GA Hire Checklist/Guidelines for thorough process instructions.

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A Graduate Assistant (GA) is considered new if a student will hold the position for the first time; if a current Graduate Assistant (GA) is hired by another department for the first time; or if a Graduate Assistant (GA) is returning after a break in employment for more than two semesters.

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The School of Graduate Education determines the start dates for all Graduate Assistants (GAs). Start dates are firm and cannot be changed.

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Official payroll costing information is completed via the Graduate Assistant Funding and Tuition and Fees Designation Form signed by Cost Center Approver and included in the Attachments section of the Graduate Assistant (GA) Job Requisition.

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If you have any Graduate Assistant (GA) questions, please contact the School of Graduate Education at

Hiring Outline

  • Please use the guides below to start and finalize a new Graduate Assistant (GA) direct hire.

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