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Services or Offerings?
Request to add Internet of Things (IoT) device to the campus wireless network.

Users who access HRMS, PeopleSoft, or UW financial information remotely need two-factor authentication for that access to be secure. All customers who access employee self service have access use two factor authentication to get into self service.

Request a server to be made accessible from off-campus.

Information about computer labs on campus

Information about computer labs located across campus

Request help or access for digital signs across campus.

Software can be requested to be added to departmentally owned computers across campus.

ROAMWyo (Research Organization, Administration, and Management ) UW’s eRA system for campus.

Information on how to connect to internal UW resources from off-campus.

How to use mobile printing in computer labs across campus

How to request software for computer labs on campus

Central software storage departmental campus wide

WyoCloud Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) is used to build budgets by budget managers across campus. This document outlines the process of requesting campus user access to this system.

Request a reserve a DHCP address for a server.

Steps for troubleshooting Internet connection problems and form to submit connection problems.