Centralized Software Distribution


Information Technology can provide a software distribution service for software to be placed on central IT servers. Departments that purchase software may want to consider asking IT to host the software for the ease of installation on multiple computers. The software must fall into one of the following categories.

  • The software license agreement allows the software to be installed campus wide.
  • The software license agreement or the department require IT to restrict access to the software to a select building(s) or subnet(s). These are non-identifiable users and computers.
  • The software license agreement or the department require IT to restrict access to the software based on identified computers or users through the use of Active Directory Groups, License Management Control Services, or similar enterprise management tools.

Available to

University of Wyoming departments.


To initiate a Software Distribution request, click on “Request Service” and fill out the necessary information. Departments are responsible for purchasing the licensed software, maintaining annual maintenance contracts, providing the software to IT, retrieving license and key codes, and ensuring IT has access to all necessary files to host the service.


The service is provided based on the fee schedule. Fees will be collected through IT’s monthly Telecomm billing process. IT will request approval for payment of any applicable fees by gaining pre-authorization from the department’s billing coordinator. 

License distribution type

Monthly recurring cost

Campus wide


Network restricted


Identity restricted




A department requesting the placement of a software distribution point on IT maintained central servers will need to provide the following to IT.

  1. Original media or electronic delivery of the files
  2. Installation documentation
  3. Support contact information
  4. Product licensing agreement

Interpretation of eligibility, license agreement compliance, and use is the responsibility of the department. 

IT will provide Web page presence for software distribution information, if requested (see www.uwyo.edu/software).

IT will have 30 days to evaluate the software for security, compatibility, and stability to ensure the installation will work within the existing environment.

Any future updates to a license or modifications to the software will require the same time allowance as an original request (30 days). Departments are responsible for handling the product’s license renewal schedule and providing the necessary renewal or update files 30 days prior to the expiration date of the current version. Temporary loss of access to a product due to license expiration may result if this information and/or files are not provided within the desired timeframe.

IT reserves the right to remove the software if it finds that it causes a security risk or compatibility issue with it technology infrastructure.

Request Service

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