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Instructions on how to add your email to the Mail app that comes standard with Windows 10
How to backup email locally on your computer.
How to take a list of email addresses in Excel and convert to a mass-mail list in Outlook
Sometimes messages are inadvertently posted to a Mailman mailing list, such as when "Automatic reply" messages are generated as out-of-office message responses to a post to a mailing list. This procedure will prevent "Automatic replies" from being posted to a list and cause them to be deleted immediately.1
Sometimes messages are inadvertently posted to a Mailman mailing list, such as when "Automatic reply" messages are generated as out-of-office message responses to a post to a mailing list. This procedure will prevent "Automatic replies" from being posted to a list and cause them to be deleted immediately.1
Missing Messages
Manually set up Outlook 2013
Information on transferring your UW email to Gmail
If you need to send the information in the full headers of an email message (to report possible phishing or spam, for example):