If you want to use the Windows 10 Mail app instead of MS Outlook, here are the steps to set up Mail to work with your Outlook account.
1. When you open the mail app for the first time it will automatically ask you to add an account. Select Exchange.

Note: If you open the Mail app and it defaults to a blank inbox, you will need to click on the Gear icon in the bottom left-hand corner, a menu will appear. Select Manage Accounts.

Then select add account in the next screen.

Select Exchange like before.
2. Now enter your email address.

3. Once you enter your email, it will prompt for a password. Once you enter it, select Sign In

4. Once you sign in, it will give you a confirmation message letting you know that sign in was successful.
Now you will be able to use the Mail app in Windows 10 to recieve your school/work email and still be able to send email as well.