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    How to add UW Canon Secure Print Copiers to a Mac device.
    Information on how to connect on a Mac to UWStudent and Classfiles storage
    How to connect to another Mac from a Mac.
    - useful if you have a Mac at home and would like to connect to your Mac at Work.
    In June 2018, Apple announced that macOS Mojave (10.14) will likely be the last release to support 32-bit software applications. If Mac users upgrade beyond Mojave and have 32-bit applications installed, those applications will no longer open. This article helps you find the 32-Bit applications that are running on Macs so that they can be replaced with the 64-Bit versions.
    Information on how to set up your UW email on a Mac
    These are instructions on how to clear the Java cache on your computer.
    If you need to send the information in the full headers of an email message (to report possible phishing or spam, for example):
    Information on supported methods for accessing my UW Exchange email
    Information on how to install OneDrive for Business on a Mac
    Information on mapping a drive on a Mac