How to connect to another Mac from a Mac.
- useful if you have a Mac at home and would like to connect to your Mac at Work.
This article describes just one of the many methods that can be used to establish a Remote Desktop connection to a Mac from a Mac.
Prepare the Mac you wish to connection to. (i.e. your Mac at Work on campus):
Enable Screen Sharing access.
Click the "Apple" menu located in the upper left corner of the screen. Select, System Preferences.

In System Preferences, locate and open: Sharing

In Sharing, enable Screen Sharing. Also, in this window, note the Mac's name (a photo with your cell phone works well here). You will need the address contained in the VNC://... address. Please also note what accounts have access. Your account will need to be in the Administrators group, or be specifically added/listed.

Close the open Preferences windows. Your office Mac is ready to be connected.
Prepare your Mac you are connecting with (i.e. your Mac at Home):
Install and configure the Ivanti Secure application if you are connecting from an off-campus location.
Please visit article on Ivanti Secure for Macs:
Locate and pin to the Dock the Screen Sharing application.
Click the Go menu, then select the option to Go to a folder. Enter in the path:

You should see a list of applications. Locate Screen Sharing. You may drag the icon to the Mac Dock if you wish to make it easier to locate.

Connect to your Mac:
If you are off-campus, first connect with Ivanti Secure. This allows your home Mac to connect to resources and computers on campus. See the article on Ivanti Secure in the Prepare Your Mac section.
Launch the Screen Sharing app (located in the Dock if you had added it). Enter in the name you recorded for your office Mac. Names should be in the form,
Some names may have dashes and/or underscores.

If the connection is successful, you should be prompted for your username and password. Enter in those credentials for your remote Mac. Names must be entered in exactly.

You should see your remote Mac login window - Since the first connection was only to establish a remote session, the Mac login window allows you to actually sign in to use your Mac. (i.e. you will have to sign in twice.)