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    How to use the worklist to track any type of transaction through the approval process. Optimizing your view of the BPM Worklist to fit your needs.
    Navigating the General Accounting Dashboard. Recommended uses to review actuals data or budget to actuals data.
    Recommended preference settings for the global search. Using the global search within WyoCloud.
    How to customize the tiles displayed on your WyoCloud homepage.
    How to navigate to and run the Outstanding P-Card Transactions Report. This report details p-card transactions which have not yet been completely reconciled, meaning they have 1) either not been added to an expense report and/or 2) the expense report has not yet reached a “paid“ status. This report will only display those outstanding/unreconciled transactions that could result in the card being placed on a hold per the p-card policy.
    How to take Approval Process action on a transaction, including Approve, Edit Requisitions, Reject, Reassign, Request Information, and Adhoc Route. Tips on reading approvals notifications for financial transactions including expense reports, requisitions and non-PO invoices. ​​​​​​​
    Definitions for Student Reporting Dashboards
    How to configure Excel to allow the ADFdi add-on to run for work with WyoCloud Financials data. Only specific users will need to use this.
    The process of monitoring award/project performance over the life of a grant.
    Correcting the amount for a previously receipted good or service.
    How to set frequently used chart strings and POET information as favorites in the Requisition Shop. Utilizing previously created favorite chart strings and POET information when entering billing information into a requisition. Requisition preferences allow for updating Deliver-to Location,a critical step to ensure proper delivery of goods.
    The procure-to-pay process within WyoCloud. Tracking a transaction from requisition submission through purchase order then payment.
    How to build and use shopping lists to simplify the requisition process for items purchased regularly which are not available in the Procurement Catalogs.