Change Manager for Direct Reports - DHR

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This guide details steps using WyoCloud DHR Access. If you do not see the steps outlined within this guide, your WyoCloud DHR Access Training is most likely incomplete. If you are an approved Decentralized Human Resources Representative, please contact

The steps in this guide apply when a manager will no longer be supervising an employee and will therefore need to update the manager of record in WyoCloud for the direct report. Although manager changes can be completed via other methods, it is highly recommended that DHRs utilize this process, as it follows the most efficient approval path.


When a manager leaves the university, it is critical that all their direct reports are reassigned to another supervisor in the system to ensure proper business processes. This action must be completed prior to submitting an individual termination request.

If you have any questions, please contact HR Records department.


Step One

Person Management Navigation

  • After logging in to WyoCloud, click on the Navigation Menu designated by the 3-horizontal lines in the upper left-hand corner.


  • Click on the drop-down arrow next to the My Workforce module.


  • Click on the Person Management application.


Step Two

Employee Search

  • Once in the Person Management application, the Search page will display.
  • Here, you can search for all employees within your Area of Responsibility.
  • To search for an employee, enter at least one of the fields marked with a double asterisk (**).
    • For accuracy, the employee’s name or person number are recommended.
  • Please note the Effective As-of Date when conducting employee searches, as this field will affect the search results.
  • Click on Search, when finished.


  • Once you have located the desired employee, hover your cursor over the employee's name and click on the orange oval with three white dots that appear on the right-hand side of the person’s name.

If the employee’s name is duplicated several times in the search results, this means the person has multiple campus assignments. Please ensure you select the correct employment assignment for this transaction.


Step Three

Personal and Employment Information

  • A pop-up window will appear with the employee’s basic information.
  • Click on Personal and Employment on the left-hand side.
  • Once selected, click on Direct Reports within the adjacent menu that appears.

  • After you have clicked on Direct Reports, subsequent transaction sections will populate, including: 
  1. When and Why
  2. Reassign Existing Reports
  3. Add Direct Reports
  4. Comments and Attachments


When and Why 

  • In the When and Why section, please complete the following: 

When do these changes start?

Select the date the manager change should become effective by clicking on the calendar icon.

Why are you making these changes?

Select the most appropriate option.

What’s the way to make these changes? 

Manager Change

  • Click on Continue, when finished.


Reassign Existing Reports

  • In the Reassign Existing Reports section, please check the box on the left-hand side of each employee whose manager needs to be changed.
    • For efficiency, you can also check the Select All box at the top.


If there are transactions pending approval for a direct report whom you are trying to reassign to another manager, you will receive the following message. Please note that you will not be able to reassign the employee until the pending transaction(s) have been approved.


  • At the bottom of the Reassign Existing Reports list, enter the new manager’s name in the Search for Proposed Manager box.
  • Once the new manager has been located in the system, select their name from the drop-down menu.


  • The direct report(s) whom you are reassigning will move to the bottom of the box, as shown below.
  • Click on Continue.


If an employee you are reassigning to another manager happens to have direct reports themselves, you will be asked if you would also like to reassign those employees as well.

Add Direct Reports

  • In the Add Direct Reports section, please include any additional employees whom you would like to reassign to the new manager now.
    • In the Search for People to Add as Reports box, enter an employee’s name.
    • Once the employee has been located in the system, select their name from the drop-down menu.
  • Click on Continue, when finished.


Comments and Attachments

  • In the Comments and Attachments section, please include any transaction justifications or upload any supporting documents.
  • Click on Submit in the upper right-hand corner, when finished.


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