This guide will cover:
- Locating Human Resources dashboards and reports available to Decentralized Human Resources Representatives (DHR) and Supervisors (Line Managers) within Reports and Analytics.

This guide details the steps for completing this process using Decentralized Human Resources (DHR) and Line Mangers WyoCloud access.
Step One
Sign into WyoCloud and Navigate to Reports and Analytics.
- Upon logging in, the WyoCloud homepage will display. Click on the Navigator button (three horizontal lines) in the upper left-hand corner.

- First click Tools to expand (you may need to scroll within the navigator), then click Reports and Analytics.

- The Reports and Analytics page will display.

Step Two
Navigate to all Human Resources reports available with the line manager role (managers/supervisors).

This step outlines how to navigate through to locate the full list of reports. However, it is recommended to set frequently used reports as favorites. See step three for details on setting favorites.
- Below the words Reports and Analytics, click on the >> icon to the right of All Folders.

- A list of folders will appear. Select Custom.

- Select Human Capital Management.

- Here, you able to locate the desired report within the Dashboards folder. Note, within the Dashboards folder, you may need to scroll to view all available reports.

Step Three
Setting a report as a favorite.
- It is recommended that frequently used reports and/or dashboards are set as favorites for easier access.
- Use the folders to locate the report.

- After locating the report, click the grey star to the left of the report name.

- The star will change from grey to yellow.

- The next time you return to the Reports and Analytics page, this report will appear on the main screen.
- This allows for easy access without clicking through multiple folders to locate the report.

You have completed the steps to Accessing Decentralized Human Resources Reporting.