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    While functioning similarly, X2Go provides much better performance than standard X11 forwarding through SSH especially in regards to applications that utilize hardware acceleration. It can be an effective way for multiple users to run multiple instances of Linux software off a powerful workstation or server simultaneously.
    How to connect to another Mac from a Mac.
    - useful if you have a Mac at home and would like to connect to your Mac at Work.
    How to connect to the UWStudent Remote Lab system.
    Information on saving files and where they get saved to
    Information on connecting to your website remotely (outside of the University of Wyoming Campus Networks) to edit your student site
    The remote lab is currently available to students, faculty, and staff with UWYO domain accounts. Faculty and staff use of the remote lab system should be limited to activities that are related to class preparation and course development. Use of the software packages on the remote lab system for faculty and staff research related purposes is prohibited.