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    While functioning similarly, X2Go provides much better performance than standard X11 forwarding through SSH especially in regards to applications that utilize hardware acceleration. It can be an effective way for multiple users to run multiple instances of Linux software off a powerful workstation or server simultaneously.
    Information on how to gain author access to my basic website on WWW or WWWDEV to edit
    Information about how to access your person network storage and setting security permissions
    Information on how to change your delegate's permissions
    Access Your Web Share through WyoSecure VPN
    Information on how to turn on delegate access
    Information about accessing generic email only accounts
    Information on how to change delegate's access to private items
    Information about faculty/staff accessing UW email in student labs
    Information on if you are an instructor and need to be able to modify or copy files to Classfiles storage and how to gain access
    Information on if you are a student and how you gain access to Classfiles
    Information on accessing and using UWStudent Mobile Printing Service (EveryonePrint)
    Information about students gaining access Classfiles
    Information about accessing Mailman from off campus