Classified Staff Performance Evaluations

This guide will cover:

  • Completing the Annual Performance Evaluation process for classified staff.

This guide details the steps for completing this process using Supervisor/Manager and Basic Employee WyoCloud access.  Note: If you do not see the features described in this guide, your assigned WyoCloud training is likely incomplete.  This training is available within HCM under My Profile > Learning > Required Learning.


Note: There are eight steps to complete the Staff Evaluation. Five tasks for the supervisor to complete; two for the employee and one for the evaluation approver. Each task is completed in sequential order and must be completed before moving to the next step. An Evaluation is not considered complete until the Next Level Supervisor Approves the Evaluation.

Task #

Task Owner




Sets Competencies & Goals



Conducts Self-Evaluation



Conducts Evaluation of Employee



Shares Evaluation with Employee



Confirms Review Meeting Held



Confirms Review Meeting Held



Submits Evaluation to their Supervisor for Approval


(Next Level Supervisor)

Approves Document




Navigate to the Evaluate Performance section of WyoCloud HCM.

  • Upon logging into WyoCloud from WyoWeb, navigate to My Team using the Navigator bar in the upper left corner.

  • First select My Team, then select Performance.

  • The Evaluate Performance page will display.


Note: Make sure the review period is for the year you are evaluating. If not, select the drop-down icon to select the correct review period.


Note: If you do not see all of your employees click the Load More Items link at the bottom right hand corner of the page.


Task One: (Supervisor) Sets Competencies & Goals

  • Scroll down to find the employee that you want to evaluate.

  • Click the Staff Evaluation hyperlink.

  • This will open the Evaluation.

  • Select Competencies.

  • The Competencies page will open.

Note: This page will list all competencies assigned to the employee’s per their job description. Review you employees Job Description on HR’s Job Description page. Each Job related competency will have a default weight of 0% which you must adjust to reflect the importance of that competency in their daily functions. 

Note: Each employee will have three assigned Competencies of: Communication, Inclusiveness and Striving for Excellence. Each of these competencies will have a default weight of 10% which can be changed.  

  • Select Edit Weights in the upper right hand corner.

  • The Edit Competencies Weights page will open.

  • Adjust competency weights as needed.

Note: All competency weights must total 100%. The page will add weights for you automatically at the bottom of the page.   

  • When weights do not equal 100%.

  • When weights equal 100%.


  • Once all weights equal 100% select Save and Close in the upper right hand corner of the document.

  • This will bring you back to the Competencies page for review.

  • Click the back arrow to return to the main Evaluation page.

  • Click the Goals hyperlink to adjust goal weights.

  • The Goals page will display.

  • Click Edit Weights in the upper right hand corner.

  • The Edit Goals Weights page will open.

  • Adjust goal weights as needed.

Note: All goal weights must total 100%. The page will add weights for you automatically at the bottom of the page.  

  • When weights do not equal 100%.

  • When weights equal 100%.

  • Once all weights equal 100% click Save and Close in the upper right hand corner of the document.

  • You will return to the Goals Page.

  • Click the back arrow to return to the main Evaluation page.

  • On the main Evaluation page click Submit.

Note: Clicking submit only moves the document to the next task of (employee) Conducts Self-Evaluation. It does not Submit the Evaluation for approval.

  • This completes Task One, (Supervisor) Sets Competencies & Goals. The employee will receive notification this task is complete. The next task, (Employee) Conducts Self-Evaluation is initiated by the employee.


Task Two: (Employee) Conducts Self-Evaluation


Note: The employee will receive a notification once the supervisor completes setting the competencies and goals weights in the evaluation. Notifications will come in both Email and the Notification Bell within HCM. Both notifications have a hyperlink taking the employee to the evaluation.

  • Click the Set Goals in Staff Evaluation XXXX was completed by XXXX hyperlink.

  • The Set Goals task window will display.

  • Click the Go to Performance Document hyperlink to go to the Evaluation.

  • The Evaluation main page will display.

  • Click the Evaluate button to the right of Competencies.

  • The Rate and Comment window will display. You may need to scroll the window to see all items.

  • Click the stars to rate each competency. The Competency rating will display next to the stars.

  • Add comments for each Competency as needed.

Note: If you do not see all of your competencies locate the load more items hyperlink located at the bottom right hand corner of the evaluation.


  • Rate all competencies then click Calculate in the summary field at the bottom of the document.

  • The overall competency rating will update with the section rating.

  • Once all competencies are rated and section rating is set, click Save and Close at the top right hand corner of the page.

  • You will return to the Evaluation main page.

  • Click Evaluate to the right of Goals.

  • The Rate and Comment page for Goals will open.

  • Follow the same steps as above for competencies, rate each goal by clicking the stars and adding comments as needed.
  • After all goals are rated click Calculate at the bottom right hand corner of the page to determine the section rating.

  • Once all goals are rated and section rating is set, click Save and Close at the top right hand corner of the page.

  • You will return to the Evaluation main page.

  • To complete the Task, (Employee) Conducts Self-Evaluation, click submit in the top right hand corner of the page.

  • If you did not enter comments in all boxes you will receive a waring. Click Yes to continue or no if you wish to add more comments.

  • This ends task two. The supervisor will receive notification the task was completed. The next task, (Supervisor) Conducts Evaluation of Employee is completed by the supervisor.


Task Three: (Supervisor) Conducts Evaluation of Employee

Note: Supervisor will receive a notification once the employee completes task two (Employee) Conducts Self-Evaluation. Notifications can come in an Email or may be accessed in the Notification Bell within HCM. Both notifications have a hyperlink taking the supervisor to the evaluation.

  • Click the Self Evaluation completed hyperlink.

  • The Self-Evaluation Completed task Window will open.

  • Click the Go to performance document hyperlink.

  • The Evaluation main page will open.

  • Click Evaluate to the right of Competencies.

  • The Rate and Comment page will open.

  • Under Manager Rating, click the appropriate star rating the competency.

  • Enter comments as needed.

Note: You must rate every competency to submit the document. Comments are not required to submit the document, however it is strongly suggested that feedback is provided.

  • When all competencies are rated click Calculate in the bottom right hand corner of the document.

  • When all competencies are calculated click Save and Close in the top right hand corner.

  • You will return to the Evaluation main page.

  • Click Evaluate next to Goals on the main Evaluation page.

  • The Goals Rate and Comment page will open.

  • Click stars to rate each goal. All goals must receive a rating to submit the performance document later.

  • Enter comments in the Manager Comments field. Comments are highly suggested but not required to submit the performance document.

  • After rating all goals click Calculate at the bottom of the document.

  • After calculating the score click Save and Close in the upper right hand corner of the Goal Rate and Comment page.

  • You will return to the Evaluation main page.

  • Click Submit in the upper right hand corner of the evaluation main page.

  • If you did not add comments to all competency and goals areas you will receive the following warning. Click Yes to continue.

  • You will return the Evaluate Performance page.

  • This completes task three, (Supervisor) Conducts Evaluation of Employee. This next task, (Supervisor) Shares Evaluation with Employee is initiated by the supervisor. 


Task Four: (Supervisor) Shares Evaluation with Employee

Note: Task four allows the supervisor to share the evaluation with the employee electronically. This allows the employee to review the document before conducting an in-person review meeting. The Supervisor has the capability to Share and Release or Share and Retain.


Share and Retain - The supervisor can Share and Retain the document. This allows the employee to review the document while the supervisor retains the ability to further edit the evaluation. Share and Retain will not move the document to the next task. The supervisor must Share and Release to move the document forward. *****Share and Retain allows the supervisor to conduct the in person review then go back to the document later for editing*******


Share and Release - To move the document to the next task the supervisor must click Share and Release this will allow the employee to view the document and the supervisor releases control to edit the document. The Supervisor must choose to Share and Release to move the document to the next task. It is suggested supervisors conduct the in-person review before sharing and releasing the document.


Releasing the Document – Once the supervisor has released the document they can no longer edit it, and it is locked for review. If the document requires further editing after releasing it Human Resources must move the document task back for you.


Share and Retain:

  • From the Evaluation main page click Share and Retain.

  • A comment window will open. Comments entered here will go the employee when notified that the document is ready for review.

  • Enter comments as needed then click Submit in the upper right hand corner of the page.

  • You will return the Evaluate Performance page, the employee will receive notification that the document is ready to review.


Employee Notification

Note: It is suggested that after the supervisor Shares and Retains the document an In-person review meeting is conducted because the supervisor still has the capability to edit the document.


Edit the document after sharing

Note: After the supervisor shares the document, upon returning to the document the supervisor can only view ratings and comments. The following steps guide the supervisor in editing the document after it’s been shared.

  • Click the Three Horizontal Dots on to the right of the employees evaluation

  • The performance document task menu opens.

  • Click Edit Submitted Manager Evaluation.

  • The current task will move back to the task (Supervisor) Conducts Evaluation of Employee.

  • Click Staff Evaluation XXXX.

  • Click Evaluate to the right of Competencies.

  • The Rate and Comment page will open.

  • Once all competencies are rated and section rating is set, click Save and Close at the top right hand corner of the page.

  • You will return to the Evaluation main page.

  • If needed repeat steps to edit evaluation goals.
  • Click Submit in the upper right hand corner of the evaluation main page.

  • If you did not add comments to all competency and goals areas you will receive the following warning. Click Yes to continue.

  • You will return the Evaluate Performance page.


Share and Release

Note: The following steps guide the supervisor through Share and Releasing the performance document. The Supervisor must click Share and Release to move the document to the next performance task, (Supervisor) Confirm Review meeting Held.

After the supervisor has released the document the employee can view it, however it can no longer be edited.

  • Click Staff Evaluation to enter the document.


  • The Evaluation main page will open.

  • Click Share and Release.

  • A comment window will open.

  • Add comments as needed. The employee will see these comments in their notfication.

  • Click Submit to move the document to the next task.

  • You will return to the Evaluate Performance page.

  • This completes task four, (Supervisor) Shares Evaluation with Employee. The next task, (Supervisor) Confirms the Review Meeting was Held is initiated by the supervisor.


Task Five: (Supervisor) Confirms Review Meeting Held

  • From the Evaluate Performance Page click Staff Evaluation.

  • The Evaluation Main page will open.

  • Click Indicate Meeting Held.

  • A Details window will open requesting date of review meeting.

  • Enter Meeting Held Date.

  • Click Submit

  • You will return to the Evaluate Performance page.

  • This completes Task Five, (Supervisor) Confirms Review Meeting Held. The next task, (Employee) Confirms Review Meeting Held, is initiated by the employee.


Task Six: (Employee) Confirms Review Meeting Held

Note: The employee will receive a notification through Email that the supervisor has indicated that a review meeting was held. 

  • From the Notification bell in HCM, click Review Meeting Held for Staff Evaluation XXXX.

  • A task window will open, click Go to performance document hyperlink.

  • The Evaluation main page will open.

  • Click Acknowledge Meeting.

  • The Career and Performance page will open.

  • This completes task six, (employee) Confirms Review Meeting Held. The next task, (Supervisor) Submits Evaluation to their Supervisor for Approval, Is initiated by the supervisor.


 Task Seven: (Supervisor) Submits Evaluation to their Supervisor for Approval

Note: The Supervisor will receive notification through Email and HCM Notification Bell with hyperlinks to the document.

  • From the HCM Notification Bell, Click the Acknowledged Review Meeting task

  • The task window will open. Click the Go to performance document hyperlink.

  • The Evaluation main page will open. Click Submit.

  • A comment window will open. Comments provided go to the approving supervisor notifications. You may also attach supporting documents.

  • Click Submit in the upper right hand corner.

  • This completes task seven, (Supervisor) Submits Evaluation to their Supervisor for Approval. The next task, (Next Level Supervisor) Approves Document, is initiated by the Next Level Supervisor. 

Note: An evaluation is not complete until it is approved.  

  • Review status of the evaluation from the Evaluate Performance page.

  • Click the See how it’s going hyperlink.

  • The Approval in Progress window will open.


Task Eight: (Next Level Supervisor) Approves Document

Note: the Next Level Supervisor will receive a notification once the supervisor completes task seven (Supervisor) Submits Evaluation to their Supervisor for Approval. Notifications can come in an Email or may be accessed in the Notification Bell within HCM. Both notifications have a hyperlink taking the next level supervisor to the evaluation.

  • From the notification bell.
  • If no review of performance is needed Click Approve.

  • To review document - click the Approval Required hyperlink.

  • The Approval Required task window opens.

  • From the task widow you can click Approve or Reject.

  • From the task window you can also review the evaluation.
  • Click View Performance Document hyperlink.

  • The Evaluation main page will open.

  • Click See Details at the top of the evaluation.

  • The Approval in Progress page will open.

  • In the upper right hand corner click Approve or Reject.



  • Clicking reject will open a separate window where the Next Level Supervisor may add comments or add attachments before sending back to the first level supervisor.

  • After adding comments click Submit in the upper right hand corner.

  • The evaluation is sent back to the supervisor for editing.



  • Clicking approve will open a separate window where the Next Level Supervisor may add comments or add attachments before completing the evaluation.

  • After adding comments click Submit in the upper right hand corner.

  • You will return to the Evaluation main page.
  • The top of the document will say Approvals are in Progress. Info is locked.

  • This completes task eight, (Next Level Supervisor) Approves Document. If the document is approved the evaluation is complete. A rejected evaluation will return the evaluation to the supervisor for editing.

Note: The supervisor will receive a notification once the Next Level Supervisor approves or rejects the evaluation. 


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