Employee Salary Change - DHR

Tags hcm salary dhr

This guide will cover:

  • The basic steps needed to make permanent salary changes for employees within your Area of Responsibility. Salary is an individual’s base pay (not any type of additional or supplemental pay).
  • The primary reason for you to use the change salary feature is to initiate a salary increase for a non-benefited employee.
  • You can also submit a retention offer or equity adjustment for a benefited employee.

This guide details the steps for completing this process using Decentralized Human Resources Representative (DHR) WyoCloud access.

Change Salary is not used to initiate a merit or market pay adjustment.



For a salary change to be reflected on the payroll, it must be submitted AND fully approved by the payroll deadline for that pay period. The full list of payroll deadlines can be found on the payroll website.

If the salary change is not fully approved or is submitted after the monthly payroll deadline, it will be rejected, and you will need to resubmit the transaction using the next month’s date.

Step One

  • Upon logging into WyoCloud from WyoWeb, navigate to My Workforce using the Navigator bar in the upper left corner.

  • First click My Workforce to expand, then select Person Management within the navigator.

Step Two

Locate the employee for whom the salary change is needed.

  •  The Person Management: Search page will display. Here you can search for all employees within your Area of Responsibility.
  • To search, enter at least one of the fields marked with a double asterisk (**). Name or Person Number are recommended.
  • Click Search.


  • Once the desired employee is in the search results, hover your cursor over the employee’s name and click on the orange oval with three white dots that appear to the right of the employee’s name.

A pop-up window will appear with the employee’s information.

  • On the left side is a series of menu options.
    • Select Compensation from the list.
    • This will open an additional context menu to the right. From the menu, click on Change Salary.

Step Three

The Change Salary When and Why page will display.

  • Enter the date when you would like the change to start.
    • Enter the current date or a future date only.
  • Select Change Salary from the Action Name drop-down menu.
  • Select the appropriate reason for the change from the Why drop-down menu.
  • Click Continue.

  • The Salary Details page will display with the current salary data automatically populated.

  • Enter your change in either the Salary Amount, Adjustment Amount or Adjustment Percentage box and the data in the other two fields will automatically update.
  • At the bottom, your changes will be reflected in the Current (orange) versus Proposed (blue) Salary area. Check to ensure the changes are calculated correctly.
  • Click Continue.

 The Salary Amount entered must be divisible by 12. The system does not automatically do this for you.

If the salary change is due to an FTE change, use the following equation to calculate what salary to enter.

Salary (original) x FTE (decimal)

Divide by 12 (if result is a decimal, round up to next full dollar)

Multiply by 12 = adjusted salary

Example: $49,008 x .8 FTE (32 hours) = $39,206.40

$39,206.40 / 12 = $3,267.20 round up = $3,268

$3,268 x 12 = $39,216 adjusted salary

Step Four

  • Enter any relevant Comments to justify the salary change or to indicate an effective date.
  • Click the hyperlink in the Attachments area to upload required documentation for the salary change.

  • Once Comments and Attachments have been added, click Submit in the top right corner.

Note: if a salary change is being completed for a temporary period both working hours AND salary must be updated a second time to return to full salary at conclusion of decrease period.

You have now completed the Change Salary Process.

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