Payroll and Fringe Expenditures Snapshot Report

This guide will cover:



Access to this report is restricted. If you cannot see this report and feel you need this data for your role, please follow the steps outlined in the Gaining Access to Role-Restricted Reports QRG.

General Information:

This report provides a monthly snapshot of all employees and what account/project their payroll and fringe WERE charged to AFTER the payroll period. Use this report to validate all employees are charged to the correct accounts/projects appropriately within the organization. This report is broken out by Current Fiscal Year, FY2023, FY 2022, etc. This view is loaded monthly and the WyoCloud Support team strives to have the prior month's data available by the fifth business day of the month.

Note: This report includes fringe benefit cost records and only returns records for natural accounts 60000 and above for salary and benefit expenditures. More information about fringe benefits costs may be found on the Budget Office website.

Project Disclosure: This report will update after each payroll cycle.  Payroll transactions do not post to the general ledger until the month is closed.  Users may see a discrepancy between this report and other PPM reports listed on the dashboard or within the project in the Awards module until after the month is closed.  It is recommended to wait until the month is closed to validate payroll transactions.


Step One

Navigating to the report on the Transactional Reporting Table of Contents

  • Navigate to WyoCloud and click on the Reporting Table of Contents tile.


  • Once you have located the Table of Contents, click on the "Restricted Financial Reports Dashboard" report link found under the “Role Specific Reports” heading.

  • In the Restricted Financial Reports Dashboard that opens, click on the Payroll and Fringe Expenditures Snapshot Report link.


Step Two

Running the Payroll and Fringe Expenditures Snapshot

  • Once you have located and clicked on the appropriate link, the report will open in Power BI.

Report Filters:

  • You may use the following prompts at the top of the report to run it with information displayed only relevant to your needs.

    • Paid Date – paid date of the payroll transaction. Select a range of dates as needed.

    • Period Start Date – minimum start date

    • Period End Date – minimum end date

    • Payroll Name – type of pay schedule/frequency (ex. daily, bi-weekly, or monthly).

    • Payroll Type – type of payroll entry (ex. balance adjustment costing, cost adjustment, estimate costing, payroll calculation, QuickPay, retroactive costing and reversal)

    • Natural Account – natural account associated with the payroll transaction

    • Fund Source – funding source the payroll transaction is expended from

    • Organization or Project Organization – organization the payroll transaction is expended from for either the general ledger chart of accounts organization or a project organization

    • P - Project – project the payroll transaction is expended from if using the project funds

    • Employee Name– name of the employee formatted “Last Name, First Name”

    • Element Name - type of payroll expense (i.e., salary, mobile communication device, temporary increase, supplemental pay, etc.)


Step Three

Interpreting the Payroll and Fringe Expenditures Snapshot Report




Employee Name

Last and first name of employee

Assignment Number

Assignment number of employee. If an employee has multiple assignments, the additional assignments will be denoted with a dash (-) and a number (2,3,4, etc.) following the assignment number (ex. E46908-2).

Worker Category

Type of employment category associated with the employee’s assignment. (i.e., Classified, Unclassified, FT Administrative Professional, etc.)

Assignment Category

Type of employee category associated with the employee’s assignment. (i.e., Hourly Non-Benefited, Salaried Exempt Benefited, etc.)

People Group

Identification of assignments who are not on a 12-month calendar payment terms. Blank fields = 12-month calendar, fields that are not blank are non-12-month terms

Assignment Department Name

Name of the department for where the employee is hired (does not always match the organization code of which the payroll is charged to)

Job Code

Job code number associated with the employee’s assignment. Can be blank.

Job Name

Name of the job associated with the employee’s assignment. Can be blank.

Position Code

Position number for the employee’s job

Accounting Date

Date the payroll transaction is applied to the general ledger of the funding source

Paid Date

Date the transaction was paid

Date Earned

Last date the payroll transaction was earned (i.e. monthly payroll transactions have an earned date equal to the last day of the month; biweekly payroll transactions have an earned date of the last date in their pay cycle)

Period Start Date

First day of pay period

Period End Date

Last day of pay period

Run Type

Regular or supplemental type pay (may also return a null status)

Payroll Name

Represents daily, bi-weekly, or monthly pay frequency

Payroll Type

Type of payroll entry (i.e. balance adjustment costing, cost adjustment, estimate costing, payroll calculation, QuickPay, retroactive costing and reversal)

Element Name

Type of payroll expense (i.e., salary, mobile communication device, temporary increase, supplemental pay, etc.)


Chart of account segment for the entity of the payroll transaction

Natural Account

Chart of account segment for the natural account of the payroll transaction

Fund Class

Chart of account segment for the fund class of the payroll transaction

Fund Source

Chart of account segment for the fund source of the payroll transaction


Chart of account segment for the organization of the payroll transaction

Expense Class

Chart of account segment for the expense class of the payroll transaction


Chart of account segment for the program of the payroll transaction


Chart of account segment for the activity of the payroll transaction


Chart of account segment for the future of the payroll transaction

P -Project

Project number if applicable for the payroll transaction

O - Project Organization

Project organization if applicable for the payroll transaction

E - Expenditure Type

Project expenditure type if applicable for the payroll transaction

T - Task

Project task if applicable for the payroll transaction


Either GL for General Ledger expenses or POET for Project expenses

Fringe Category

Based on the combination of Worker Category and Assignment Category and will only be populated on fringe lines into one of the following categories:

Faculty/Academic Professional



Fringe Rate

The amount used to calculate fringe based on the Fringe Category and approved fringe rates for the Period End Date unless the value is null then the Period Start Date, Date Earned and Paid Date are evaluated and the best option is used.

Debit Amount

Debit amount of the payroll transaction

Credit Amount

Credit amount of the payroll transaction

Total Amount

Net of the debit and credit amounts of the payroll transaction

Tips and Tricks

Below are some helpful ways of using the Payroll and Fringe Expenditures Snapshot Report:

  • This report only returns records for payroll natural accounts, 60001 - 61999

  • TIP: Fringe will always show as Natural Account: 60816 for GL transactions and E- Expenditure Type: FRINGE RATE for POET transactions.

  • The 9 columns of the chart of account segments will be blank when a project has been charged to cover the payroll transaction.

  • Run the report monthly to compare and supplement the account analysis report to ensure all charges applied to your organization are accurate.

  • The various prompts allow for flexibility in running the report to your individual needs. For example, you can run it one organization at a time or you can run multiple organizations at a time.


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