Employee Name
Last and first name of employee
Assignment Number
Assignment number of employee. If an employee has multiple assignments, the additional assignments will be denoted with a dash (-) and a number (2,3,4, etc.) following the assignment number (ex. E46908-2).
Worker Category
Type of employment category associated with the employee’s assignment. (i.e., Classified, Unclassified, FT Administrative Professional, etc.)
Assignment Category
Type of employee category associated with the employee’s assignment. (i.e., Hourly Non-Benefited, Salaried Exempt Benefited, etc.)
People Group
Identification of assignments who are not on a 12-month calendar payment terms. Blank fields = 12-month calendar, fields that are not blank are non-12-month terms
Assignment Department Name
Name of the department for where the employee is hired (does not always match the organization code of which the payroll is charged to)
Job Code
Job code number associated with the employee’s assignment. Can be blank.
Job Name
Name of the job associated with the employee’s assignment. Can be blank.
Position Code
Position number for the employee’s job
Accounting Date
Date the payroll transaction is applied to the general ledger of the funding source
Paid Date
Date the transaction was paid
Date Earned
Last date the payroll transaction was earned (i.e. monthly payroll transactions have an earned date equal to the last day of the month; biweekly payroll transactions have an earned date of the last date in their pay cycle)
Period Start Date
First day of pay period
Period End Date
Last day of pay period
Run Type
Regular or supplemental type pay (may also return a null status)
Payroll Name
Represents daily, bi-weekly, or monthly pay frequency
Payroll Type
Type of payroll entry (i.e. balance adjustment costing, cost adjustment, estimate costing, payroll calculation, QuickPay, retroactive costing and reversal)
Element Name
Type of payroll expense (i.e., salary, mobile communication device, temporary increase, supplemental pay, etc.)
Chart of account segment for the entity of the payroll transaction
Natural Account
Chart of account segment for the natural account of the payroll transaction
Fund Class
Chart of account segment for the fund class of the payroll transaction
Fund Source
Chart of account segment for the fund source of the payroll transaction
Chart of account segment for the organization of the payroll transaction
Expense Class
Chart of account segment for the expense class of the payroll transaction
Chart of account segment for the program of the payroll transaction
Chart of account segment for the activity of the payroll transaction
Chart of account segment for the future of the payroll transaction
P -Project
Project number if applicable for the payroll transaction
O - Project Organization
Project organization if applicable for the payroll transaction
E - Expenditure Type
Project expenditure type if applicable for the payroll transaction
T - Task
Project task if applicable for the payroll transaction
Either GL for General Ledger expenses or POET for Project expenses
Fringe Category
Based on the combination of Worker Category and Assignment Category and will only be populated on fringe lines into one of the following categories:
Faculty/Academic Professional
Fringe Rate
The amount used to calculate fringe based on the Fringe Category and approved fringe rates for the Period End Date unless the value is null then the Period Start Date, Date Earned and Paid Date are evaluated and the best option is used.
Debit Amount
Debit amount of the payroll transaction
Credit Amount
Credit amount of the payroll transaction
Total Amount
Net of the debit and credit amounts of the payroll transaction