Non-Benefited Applicant Screening Process

This guide will cover:

  • Reviewing a candidate’s Application and Questionnaire
  • Advancing the candidate to the Interview Step
  • Rejecting candidates and communicating with unsuccessful candidates throughout the search process
  • Advancing the candidate to the offer stage and finalizing the hire

Although this guide provides steps of the systematic process, the Human Resources Recruiters are available for questions and guidance at any point in the process (; 307-766-2377).

Step One

Access the Job Requisition

  • Sign into WyoCloud from WyoWeb. 
  • From the Home page, navigate to My Team, then click the Hiring icon.

Step Two

Access List of Applicants

From the Job Requisitions page, locate your requisition for which you are screening.

  • Click on the hyperlink to the Requisition Title.

  • From the Requisition Overview screen, click on the number for “Screen (Requires Approval) – To be Reviewed by Hiring Manager”. This will display the list of applicants.

If your requisition is for a direct hire, you can skip to step six.=

Step Three

Screening Applicants

  • Click on Applicant’s name to review their application.

  • Applicant details are provided in the application blocks down the middle of the page. Expand each section by clicking on the expand/collapse arrow. Other application information can be viewed by using the navigation on the left.
    • Please note the Questions tab includes answers to the required UW application questions such as veteran status and conviction-related information.
      • NOTE: Applicants cannot be screened out based on the answers to these questions. If you have questions/concerns, contact HR Recruiting (; 307-766-2377). If a top candidate does disclose a conviction or policy violation, please let HR Recruiting know.  Convictions and policy violations require a background check (if job related) and further review and approval up the chain of command.  This is facilitated by HR, so please work with HR Recruiters.  The employee may not start working until this is completed.

  • To view required attachments, click on the Attachments tab. These attachments can include the cover letter, resume/CV, and other supplemental documents.
    • NOTE: It is best to select List under the View drop-down. This way you can easily see all attachments and download them to share with the search committee.

  • When you finish reviewing a candidate, you can navigate to the next candidate by clicking the Next button at the top of the page.  You can also click Previous to review the previous candidate.

Step Four

Change Candidate Status

Once candidate(s) has/have been reviewed, please update their Phase/State. Navigate to the requisition and click on the Applicants list.

This can be done in bulk on the Job Applications page or can be done individually for each candidate.

  • To move more than one candidate at a time, mark the box to the left of the candidate’s name.
  • Click the Actions drop-down, select Move and choose the appropriate Phase and State.
    • Note:  When changing the status of multiple candidates at once, all candidates must be in the same Phase/State and be moving to the same Phase/State.
  • To move candidates individually, check the box to the left of their name.
    • Click the Actions drop-down, select Move and choose the appropriate Phase and State.

Step Five

Interview and Determine Top Candidate(s)

  • The Hiring Manager/Assistant will schedule and conduct interviews outside the system.
    • Throughout the interview process, candidates’ status should be updated as you move forward with your search.
    • To do this, please following the same process as described above:
      • Check the box to the left of the candidate’s name
      • Click the Actions drop-down, select Move and choose the appropriate Phase and State.
  • Applicants not selected for interview should be noted as such by updating the Phase/State to Screen, Rejected by Employer.
    • Select the applicants who will not be interviewed and under Actions, click Move.
    • Change the State to Rejected by Employer, and under reason, select the most appropriate reason the candidate was not selected for interview. Comments are optional but encouraged.

  • Once a top candidate(s) is determined, the Hiring Manager/Assistant is responsible for communicating the verbal offer of employment outside the system.  This typically occurs over the phone or via email.
    • If the candidate accepts the verbal offer, the Hiring Manager/Assistant will progress the candidate to the Verbal Offer – Proceed to Written Offer
      • Please ensure you follow HR’s posted guidelines to determine a start date.
    • If the candidate declines the verbal offer, select Withdrawn by Candidate (State), and select the best Reason.
    • Click Save and Close.

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