Personal Network storage is provided to all UW staff and faculty on the server WAREHOUSE. The WAREHOUSE storage server is a secure server managed by Information Technology and is backed up nightly to keep data safe. For information on the default level of personal storage and the cost of adding additional storage, see the IT Data Storage page.
Faculty and staff can use their personal storage space to store any data they wish, create whatever folder structure they wish, and allow access to any UW staff, faculty, or students that they wish. By default, access to the space is granted to only the individual and to a few administrative accounts necessary for continued access and support of the storage space. Faculty and staff members are responsible for setting and maintaining any additional permissions for their storage.
To change permissions, someone with administrative access needs to make the request. If a user has full access, then they will be able to follow the steps below to update permissions.
NOTE: These steps are also applicable to accessing and setting permissions on departmental network storage, though the name of the network storage will be in the format \\warehouse\deptstorage. If you are unsure of the name of your departmental network storage, please check with your department. Additionally, be aware that this is shared space and the rules regulating the use of the space is determined by the individual departments and not by IT, so please check with your department before making changes to this space.
- Accessing your Personal Network Storage
- Click the Start menu button, and click Run.
- In the Run window, in the Open box, type the location of your UW personal network storage in the format\\warehouse\username$ and click OK.
NOTE: Make sure that you have typed the correct slashes (i.e. \ and not /), and do not forget to include the $ at the end.

- Setting Security Permissions
- In the username$ on warehouse window, right-click in the white right-hand pane, and click Properties.

- In the Username$ on warehouse Properties window, select the Security tab, and click Add to add access for someone (or click Remove to remove access).
WARNING: The Administrators account and the SYSTEM account are necessary to the continued functioning of your network storage. Do not remove these accounts. The IT Account Admins and IT Warehouse Storage Managers accounts represent IT support staff. Though these accounts are not necessary to the continued functioning of your storage space, removing these accounts will make it much more difficult to provide support to you for your network storage if ever necessary.

- In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups window, in the Enter the object names to select box, type in the usernames of those individuals you would like to allow access to your network storage, and click OK.
NOTE: More than one username can be added by following each username with a semicolon and a space.

- If the username you are adding is similar to others on campus, the Multiple Names Found window will appear. Select the correct name from the list, and click OK.
- In the Username$ on warehouse Properties window, in the Group or user names box, select the username (or usernames) you have added, in the Permissions section, select the check boxes for the access level you wish them to have, and click OK when finished.

This is available to faculty and staff.
If experience any problems or need assistance updating permissions, please click "Request Help."
- Access and Set Security Permissions for Your Personal Network Storage
- Map a Network Drive