To update a permission on with a folder on warehouse you will want to follow the steps below.
1. Under computer, you will see your mapped folder. You will want to right click on it and go to Properties

2. You will then want to go to Security, Edit.

3. Under Edit, you will now be able to click add.

4. After clicking Add, you will be able to type the person's username in and click "Check Names." the username will then change to a username and email address. Click ok.

5. You will now be able to set the permissions of the person you just added.

To allow the person you just added to have full access you will want to make sure that all of the boxes under "Allow" are checked. If you wish to edit the level of access the person has, you will want to check the coresponding boxes under "Deny"
6. To make sure you changes take you will want to click "Apply" and then "ok"