I need to two factor with a passcode.


The goal of two factor authentication is to strengthen access security by requiring something you know, your password, and something you have, such as a smartphone application.  One method to complete the second authentication step has been to enter a passcode in addition to a Duo push or phone call.  In a continued effort to keep the UW community safe, we want to limit the use of passcodes as a method for two factor as much as possible.  As a bonus most of the time the other methods are easier for you, with no typing required.  

However, UWIT does understand that there are times when a passcode will be the only method of two factor that is accessible, such as if you are traveling internationally or are using a phone that does not support applications and a phone call is not an option.  Using passcodes is an option that we can enable if requested through this service.

Available to

All UW students, faculty, and staff.


If you are still in a situation where you can access your account (two factor by another method or on campus):

Please click the request exemption button, sign in and two factor, and fill out the form with the reason to use this option.  Our team will modify your account to have this access and email you when that access is set up.  

If you are no longer able to access your account (you do not have another two factor method available and are off campus):

Please submit a request for assistance here (you will not need to two factor to put that request in): https://uwyo.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1940/Portal/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=30527

They will set up a zoom session to verify your identity and help you set up your account so you can request passcodes.