Information Technology provides physical discs used to install software for check out at the front desk of the ITC. The media that you are checking out remains the property of Information Technology, and is being lent for installation purposes only. A $30.00 invoice will be sent to your department if the media is not returned within 2 business days.
You are not licensed to use the software for personal purposes.
This Special Product Key will be distributed to staff/faculty users as needed. Holders of this Special Product Key are required to keep secure and only distribute it to employees authorized to install and distribute the software on the designated machines. You will be held responsible for unauthorized use of the unique Special Product Key.
Available to
This is available for faculty, staff, and students that meet the licensing requirements of the software they are checking out. Some software licenses must be purchased before the media can be checked out.
Fill out the software check out form and the front desk staff member will give you the disc. Media must be returned in 2 business days.
There is no cost to check out software as long as it is returned in 2 business days.