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- Services
- Accounts & Passwords
- UW Special Accounts
These accounts are $10.00 a month for a minimum of 6 months billed through your IT Telecomm bill. Request to create or changes to UW departmental accounts that include email and domain access.
- Services
- Accounts & Passwords
- UW Special Accounts
Request changes to UW accounts that are only email accounts.
- Services
- Accounts & Passwords
- UW Special Accounts
Request to create or make changes to UW Special accounts for Individuals.
- Services
- Accounts & Passwords
- UW Special Accounts
University of Wyoming researchers often have collaborators from other institutions who need access to ARCC resources in order to contribute to the project. To gain access to ARCC resources non-UW researchers need to obtain an External Collaborator account.
- Services
- Accounts & Passwords
- UW Special Accounts
Request changes to vendor VPN accounts that allow domain access.