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    Lookup Category Clear Category
    How to increase the number of search results returned by Microsoft Outlook
    Information about the roles of a Resource Owner and a Resource Delegate
    There may be times when a department or individual needs to share their email account so that other individuals can assist in answering email sent to that account, scheduling events in the calendar, or accessing specific contacts saved in that account.
    Information on sharing your calendar by using Microsoft Exchange Server
    Information about what you can expect when you send an encrypted email
    Information on how to set up your UW email on a Mac
    Information about accessing generic email only accounts
    An Exchange Resource is a special Exchange account that represents a resource (conference rooms, vehicles, AV equipment, etc.) instead of a person. Exchange Resources allow for shared scheduling of these items.
    An Exchange Resource is a special Exchange account that represents a resource (conference rooms, vehicles, AV equipment, etc.) instead of a person. Exchange Resources allow for shared scheduling of these items.
    Information about the amenities available in rooms
    Information on supported methods for accessing my UW Exchange email
    Information about the security limitations with Exchange Resources