Central Web Site Management Request Form
Service request forms covering various aspects of UW Web site management.
The Central Web Site Management Request Form allows you to get site work accomplished as efficiently as possible. These forms can be used to perform the following tasks:
- Create new sites (including Recognized Student Organization sites)
- Delete existing sites
- Modify management and authoring of sites (by UW domain account)
- Modify users allowed to browse restricted sites (by UW domain account)
- Lookup Site Configuration Information
- Request DNS Hosted Sites (**Fees required)
- Request WWW site redirect work
- Request database DSN work
- Request site configuration changes
- Request site quota changes (**Fees required for increases)
- Efficiently contact Information Technology about other site requests
Information on all UWsites must be related to University of Wyoming work and cannot be personal in nature. If you have a question as to the validity of your information, please contact your IT user consultant, and they can help you determine if the information is appropriate. See UNIREG 690 for the legal description governing this policy.
Please Note: Site managers and authors are responsible for writing SECURE code and implementing secure coding practices. Failure to have secure code on your site may result in your site being down and/or being shut down by Information Technology until the problem is proven to have been resolved.