Open and closed subscription/unsubscribe policies

  1. Log into the list admin page at (where list-name is the name of your list).

    browser window

  2. Click on Privacy options.

    browser window

  3. To require approval to subscribe, in the What steps are required for subscription? section click on Confirm and approveConfirm and approve both sends an email to the subscriber to verify the request came from the subscriber and requires the list owner to approve the request. It is appropriate for lists that are closed and limit membership and is recommended over Require Approval because of the additional protection confirmation offers. Confirm is appropriate for open lists that are open to anyone.

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  4. To require approval to unsubscribe, in the Is the list moderator's approval required for unsubscription requests?section click on YesYes is appropriate for lists that are closed where the owner needs to control who receives messages sent to the list. No allows members to unsubscribe without the owner's approval and is appropriate for open lists.
  5. When finished, click on the Submit Your Changes button near the bottom of the page.
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