This guide will cover:
Navigating to the TouchNet Transactions Report
Interpreting the Report
The TouchNet Transactions gives us a report to analyze the deposits received through TouchNet and posted to WyoCloud.
Note: This report is in Microsoft Power BI, please visit the Microsoft Power BI QRG for more information on navigating these reports.
Using the filters on the right side of the report, it is recommended that you narrow down the report by Organization. Additionally, the report display is limited and it is recommended that you filter down further by utilizing the TouchNet Deposit Date or WyoCloud Posted Date to get more recent dates.
To display more detailed information, right click on any value and select show data point as a table.
To view the grand totals, or all of the details that make up that month, select "Drill Through"
The columns in the expanded details are defined below:
Column Name
Column Definition
Input Description
If this field is all numerical it denotes a deposit at the Cashier’s Office. For MarketPlace transactions the MarketPlace name will be at the end of the numerical string.
Account String
Accounting Chart String
Natural Account
Fund Source
Banner Detail Code
This is an internal Banner coding.
Charge Account
Accounting chart string. Note this is only populated for Cashier’s Office deposits.
Deposit Amount
Banner Receipt Number
Banner receipt number (not TouchNet receipt number).
User Name
For Cashier’s deposits this shows the Cashier who entered the deposit. For MarketPlace transactions it is the name of the MarketPlace.
Transaction Date
Date the deposit was made.
Banner Feed Date
Date of the Banner feed the transaction was included in.
Payment ID
Cashier’s Office (TouchNet) Receipt Number
Transaction Number