Satellite Cluster Service


ARCC offers administration support for Satellite HPC clusters that exist for an explicit functional purpose that cannot be met by the condo solution (Teton) for technical reasons. To be eligible for support, a satellite cluster must conform to a standard format, i.e.; a rack mounted assemblage of compute nodes that are under warranty or service contract. Satellite clusters must be housed in the Data Center or other approved facility.

For example, an HPC cluster that exists to run a specialized piece of software with specific hardware requirements that differs significantly from Teton, and is housed in the Data Center is eligible for support. A collection of pc’s strung together to form a cluster in a lab is not.

  • There are several benefits for satellite clusters housed in the Data Center
    • Stable, quality environmental conditions
    • Consistent support
    • High speed, high bandwidth connectivity to the Cloud Storage
    • Restricted physical access

Available to

This is available to UW Faculty and staff.


If you have questions about Satellite Cluster services, please click "Submit Question."


The formula for determining the annual support cost for a satellite cluster is proportional to $90K * (0.085 + 0.25*log(N)) where N is the number of nodes in the cluster (including all head nodes, management nodes, and data server nodes). Another consideration is the number of users and the number of software products maintained, but we have no explicit formula for that now. 
