No Cost Extension Request

No Cost Extensions


A No-Cost Extension is an extension of the period of performance beyond the expiration end date of the award. Extensions are sometimes needed to allow the Principal Investigator to successfully complete the project.  There is no additional funding provided by the Sponsor.

A No-Cost Extension may be requested by the PI when all three of the following conditions are met:

  • The end of the project period is approaching.
  • There is a programmatic need to continue the research.
  • There are sufficient funds remaining to cover the extended remaining effort.

Requesting a No-Cost Extension

If you require a No-Cost Extension, please complete a request by selecting the “Request Service” button.

  • Award information, including the:
    • Title
    • Requestor
    • Acct/Dept
    • PI Department
    • PI Email Address
    • Award Title
    • Sponsor Name
    • UW Project Number
    • Award Number (ROAMWyo)
    • Sponsor Award Number
    • Number of Months to Extend
    • Requested End Date
    • Unobligated Funds Remaining
    • Justification
    • Work to be Completed
    • Subawards (if applicable)

Extensions may be requested ONLY FOR PROGRAMMATIC reasons, such as the work took longer than expected. However, it is appropriate to state that sufficient funds remain to support the project for the additional period of time.

No-Cost Extension Deadlines

Sponsors require No-Cost Extension requests be submitted prior to the award’s current end date. Please complete a NCE request as soon as possible upon determining the need for a No-Cost Extension request to ensure that there is adequate time for review, approval and adherence to Sponsor-specific guidelines and electronic systems.  Review the award document terms and conditions to determine applicability and prior approval requirements.  A few examples of Sponsor deadlines for No-Cost Extension requests are presented below:

Award Type


Example Deadlines

Federal On-time Extension with Prior Approval Exempt

Some federal sponsors have delegated the responsibility for approving NCEs for awards to the Institution. For example, NSF, NIH and DOE allow an Institution to internally approve a one-time request to extend the end date of the project period up to an additional 12 months, unless otherwise noted in the award terms and conditions. Prior approval is required for any subsequent extension(s).

For NIH, request is due between 0-90 days prior to award expiration.  For NSF, request is due at least 45 days prior to award expiration.

Federal, State, Municipalities, and Not-For-Profit Entities with Prior Approval Required

Other federal, state, municipalities and not-for-profit sponsors require prior approval for NCE requests.   If the sponsor has not delegated approval authority to the Institution, a written prior approval must be obtained by the Sponsor.



It is best to request the No-Cost Extension ahead of time to manage an orderly accomplishment of project work and to have a contingency plan in case the Sponsor does not approve the extension.