Request a new PowerBI Workspace Stack

Who and What is this request for?

Requesting a new PowerBI workspace stack is for a department, or group who would like to start creating reports and datasets in Microsoft PowerBI. If you have questions about this process, please contact

Workspace Naming

A PowerBI workspace stack consists of a Development, Test, and Production workspace. Your Development and Test worksapces will have text at the end to denote them as such, however production will not. This is how they will look in PowerBI:

  • <Your workspace name> [Dev]
  • <Your workspace name> [Test]
  • <Your workspace name>

It is highly suggested you keep your workspace name under 15 characters. If you go longer, you have the potential for your workspace name to be cut-off in the UI, along with the [Dev] [Test] monikers; making it hard to tell which workspace is which in PowerBI.

For more information about what a "Workspace Stack" is please read our Workspace Stack webpage.