Analytics Development Access Request

Access levels:
Dataset Content Author - This gives the desired person unrestricted access to all data in a connection to create datasets in OAC.
Access at this level will be vetted through the Data Governance Committee.

Visualization Content Author - This level allows a person to view datasets published by Dataset Content Authors. This gives the ability to create visualizations (projects, graphs, etc.) in OAC.
Access at this level will be vetted through the Data Managers.

Consumer - This allows access to published visualizations and projects, created by visualization content authors, within folders that the consumer is granted access to.
Access at this level will be vetted through the Data Managers.

Connections available:
Banner - Banner student information system.
ODS - Oracle Data Store connected to Banner.
OTBI Financials - Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence system limited to financial data only.
OTBI HR - Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence system limited to Human Resources data only.
Salesforce - Student admission data
PBCS - Planning and Budgeting system containing university financial data.


Folder access: This access is based on several different factors such as department, completed trainings, connection type, etc.


Request Service

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