Official University Websites

Official University Websites include the University of Wyoming home page (; academic department and program pages; office, administrative, and support unit pages; news and information pages; and any other World Wide Web address on the domain that is otherwise sponsored or endorsed or created on authority of a university department or administrative unit.

Requirements for New Official University Websites

Requests for new Official University Websites should meet the following requirements:

  1. Be listed on an official UW division organization chart and not already have an existing unit website.
  2. Be able to provide the name, UW email address, and university phone number of the website manager whose job duties include maintenance of the official unit website.
  3. Be able to provide a UW phone number and UW email address for the requesting unit, along with the name and contact information of the department head or director.
  4. Be able to clearly define the site's purpose and intended audience.

All official university websites must use UW's Content Management System except in cases where a site is technically required to run on a separate platform. Any exceptions must be approved by Institutional Marketing.

Official University Websites may be requested at:

Requests for Official University Websites are reviewed and approved monthly.

Supplemental Website Addresses

Official University Websites also may use vanity URLs that can be used to publicize events or topics contained on pages within a parent site. For example, a special event could be publicized with the URL that would redirect a visitor to an internal page such as

Supplemental Website Addresses may be requested at:

Additional Official Websites

Additional website requests must be submitted to the UW Website Committee for approval.

Additional Official University Websites may be requested at:

Requests for additional Official University Websites are reviewed and approved monthly.

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