This guide will cover:
A Requisition is an internal document created in the WyoCloud Financial system that is used to request the procurement of goods and services prior to entering into any agreement with a supplier. When approved, the Requisition becomes a Purchase Order. Two Requisition options are available: Non-Catalog Requisition and Procurement Catalog Requisition.
Whereas a Non-Catalog Requisition can be modified using the steps in this QRG, a Procurement Catalog Requisition should not be modified.

If the Requisition has become a Purchase Order, the purchase of additional items should be included on a new Requisition.
There are acceptable reasons to make changes to a Purchase Order such as changes in quantities/amounts, or to the chartfield string. The Change Order Process for Purchase Orders QRG details steps on making acceptable changes to the Purchase Order.

Navigate to the Manage Requisitions page, then search for and select the requisition you wish to change

The Manage Requisitions page will display. On this page, there are two ways to locate your requisition:
Click on the desired Requisition Number from the list under Search Results OR
To search for the Requisition, you can search by either:
If using search, click the Search button to display your Search Results in the bottom section.

At this point, you can begin modifying your requisition and there are two options:
1) If the requisition has been completed but not submitted, you may begin selecting lines within the requisition to edit.

2) If the requisition has been submitted but not approved, you will need to utilize the Withdraw and Edit or Cancel Requisition function.
To do this, click on the Actions dropdown in the top right corner:
To stop the requisition click Cancel Requisition.
To Edit the requisition click Withdraw and Edit:

Editing the Requisition

Select the requisition line you wish to adjust and then open the Actions drop-down menu. From here, click Edit, or click on the Pencil Icon to Edit the line

From the Edit Line pop up, any field for that particular item can be adjusted.

- New documentation supporting the changes should be attached in the Attachment Area; incorrect documentation should be deleted.

To add additional lines for the SAME Supplier, you may duplicate line via Actions and then edit the line to reflect the accurate information. Make sure that the Negotiated Box is checked for each item.
Appropriate documents will need to be provided as an attachment for the new item.
Once all necessary modifications have been made, changes should be saved and funds checked

After clicking OK, you will return to the Manage Requisitions page, where the newly modified requisition will appear in the search results with the updated information displayed. The requisition is now awaiting approval.
If all modifications are complete, click Done to exit out of the Manage Requisitions page.

You have now completed the steps to modify a requisition.