General Ledger Transactions Current Fiscal Year - Foundation

This guide will cover:


The General Ledger Transactions Current Fiscal Year - Foundation is designed to give users a view of the activity on Foundation Fund Sources.


Step One

Navigating to the Reporting Table of Contents

  • Navigate to WyoCloud and click on the Reporting Table of Contents tile.

  • Once you have located the Table of Contents, click on the "General Ledger Transactions Current Fiscal Year - Foundation.


Step Two

Running the General Ledger Transactions Current Fiscal Year - Foundation

  • Under the "Budget and General Ledger" header on the Table of Contents, click on the General Ledger Transactions Current Fiscal Year - Foundation. The report prompt page will now be opened.


Narrowing Down the Report

  • You may use the following prompts to narrow the report to only display information relevant to your needs. It is recommended to prompt by only the Fund Source. This allows the user to scan or filter the transactions within the Fund Source to see which organization codes have used the fund source.

Note: in most cases, you can leave a prompt blank or leave the default in any or all prompts.

  • After selecting desired prompts, click Apply.

  • The General Ledger Balances by Fiscal Year Report is downloaded as an Excel File to your Browser and may be opened. 


Step Three

Parameters, Defined:


Column Name

Column Definition

Entity Code

Subset of the University reporting unit (most transactions fall under 10, unless your department is a specialized entity)

Fund Class Code

Source of funds for transactions.

Fund Source Code

Specifies the exact nature of the source of funds, classified by restrictions to further narrow down the funding source

Organization Code

Number that represents the Organization


Program Code

Pertains to the unique specialization, (for example, Recruitment, International Studies, Help Desk) within the department, unit, etc.

Activity Code

Provides further opportunity to differentiate/categorize transactions for tracking and reporting purposes that are unique to each department or unit.


Step Four

Interpreting the Report




Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year when the transaction occurred.
Period Number Corresponds with the month of the fiscal year (i.e. July = 1, August = 2).
Period Name Name of the period (month).
GL Batch Name This is the name of the batch in the GL which can be utilized to search for more details within the system.
GL Batch Posted Date The date the transaction first occurred within the system.
GL Header ID This is a system generated number.
GL Header Name The name of the transaction at the header level.
GL Header Posted Date The date the transaction first occurred within the system.
GL Header Journal Entry Source The source of the journal entry.
GL Header Journal Entry Category Type of entry the transaction was given when it was entered.
GL Header Description Description which was entered at the header level when the user entered the transaction.  The exception is those that say Journal Import indicate integrations or journal entries.
GL Header Balance Type Asset, Liability, or Equity.
GL Line Number Journal line number.
GL Line Description Description which was entered at the line level when the user entered the transaction.
Account Type Asset, Liability, or Equity.
GL Line Accounted Debit Amount A debit posted to the General Ledger (GL)
GL Line Accounted Credit Amount A credit posted to the General Ledger (GL)
GL Line Accounted Total Amount Balance of Debits minus Credits
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