Completing an Electronic Asset Inventory Review


As part of the University Capital Equipment and Depreciation of Capital Assets Policy SAPP, the Asset Management Office performs bi-annual capital asset inventory reviews with the department OPA (Organization Property Administrator) and leadership.

Asset management will schedule physical inventories using a rolling process across campus that ensures every Organization conducts a full inventory once every two years. The OPA is responsible for completing the biennial inventory and must account for all Capital Equipment.

For more information regarding the Asset Process, please visit the Asset Management Website or contact them by sending an email to

Step One

  • The OPA will receive an email from Asset Management containing your inventory report(s) and commonly used documents such as a Property Disposition Report (PDR). Once this email is received, please complete the inventory review within three weeks. Please reach out to asset management immediately to plan an alternate completion date.
  • Review all asset information provided in the Inventory Report, and note any corrections that are necessary in the Corrections Regarding Asset, Updated Location and Updated Contact columns.
    • Please fill in any areas with missing information
    • The listed employee responsible must be a current employee within WyoCloud
    • If any equipment CAN NOT be located, please list it on the PDR provided
    • If an item is located off-campus, please fill out the “Department Check-Out Lists for Equip Temporarily Off Campus”
      • This form is used for assets temporarily off campus that will be returned at a determined date, such as assets loaned to another institution, assets taken with professors on sabbatical, etc.
  • The following columns are included in the report:
Column Name Column Description
Tag Number Number assigned by Asset Management to tag the item
Asset Description Description of the asset to identify what the item is
Asset Manufacturer Manufacturer, if available, of the type of asset
Asset Model Model name or number of the asset if available
Serial Number Serial number of the asset if available
Location Location of the asset
Contact Name Contact that is responsible for the asset

Step Two

  • Fill out the Symbol Number ranging from 0-2 based from the table below:
Symbol Number Description

Asset was not located and should be deleted from inventory. Provide explanation in Corrections column: Junked, Missing, Sold, etc. Be sure to include each item marked zero on the PDR form.


Asset was physically located and verified.


Asset was not physically verified. Department Head advises that asset is at an off-campus location or believes it still to be in UW’s possession. This asset will remain on inventory.

Step Three

  • Print the last page of the Asset Inventory Report, sign with the appropriate department representative signature, scan, and return it to Asset Management. (Electronic signatures are accepted).
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